Minecraft *OS*

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Your POV
I can't believe my girlfriend, Hermione Granger, a muggle, by the way, doesn't know what Minecraft is, MINECRAFT!, I mean come on, it's one of the best games in history.

Every time I ask her to play, she always shuts me down, but since it's my birthday, I figured I'd force her, I mean she can't say no on my birthday.

She would always use the same excuse "oH wE cAnT pLaY, iTlL dIsTrAcT uS fRoM oUr StUdIeS" well since my birthdays in the summer, and we'll be spending it at my house, she can't make any excuses.

So that leads me to where I am now, giving a whiny, and grumpy Hermione a controller, as she sits criss cross applesauce on the soft carpet of my room.

I chuckled to myself, quietly, she looks so cute.

I turned on the console, signed into my character, and opened Minecraft, the amazing to me, but boring to Hermione, Mojang symbol came up and i couldn't help but giggle with Glee, I've always wanted to play with Hermione and now I can.

I started creating a world, I put the mode on survival, just to see if she could handle it, and didn't turn on cheats, I like to play without them, unless I'm in the mood to just fool around. I let Hermione name the world, and of course she didn't take it seriously and said "arrogant" I just looked at her, she looked back with an expectant look, I guess I really am naming our first world together "arrogant".

I sighed and created the world, the loading screen came up, with little tips and tricks on the side.

Once we got into the world, I pressed the options button on Hermione's controller, pressed on the guest icon, and watched as she joined the game, well technically she joined inside of me, not the first time she's been inside of m-

"Y/n, all I see is your face, how do I move" Hermione studied the controller like a book, pressing random buttons on the controller and looking back up at the screen, to see what she did, it's honestly an adorable sight.

For a few minutes, she would walk with her head up, looking at the sky, I couldn't help but laugh as she got annoyed at the game, finally I showed her how to walk and look around and she got the hang of it.

Next on my list, was building a house, I started hitting oak trees to gather wood, while Hermione kept running, stopping, running again, trying to jump over two blocks, turning around and running again.

"Hermione, if you keep running like that, you'll lose your food bars, and we don't have any food to fill them"

Hermione mocked me and just kept running, pretty soon I saw that all she could do was walk because she only had three food bars left, I stopped hitting trees, I had 26 oak logs anyways, I started looking around for animals.

"Y/nnnnn, I can't run anymore" Hermione whined

"I told you to stop running and you didn't listen" I berated

After I said those words, there was a loud oink and Hermione's shriek.

"OH MY GODS, Y/N, I HIT A PIG" Hermione stared at me with her mouth agape.

I laughed and chased after the pig, killing it and taking the raw pork, Hermione sat and watched me, confused.

"What do you do with that" Hermione asked

"Well you need a furnace or a smoker to cook it, you can eat it raw, but there's a high chance it'll poison you" I explained.

I went into my inventory and crafted a crafting table, I placed down the crafting table and started converting oak logs into oak wood, after I finished converting the wood, I crafted sticks and made a wooden pic-axe and a wooden sword for both me and Hermione, I had some wood left over so I started creating the perimeter of our house.

It was still daytime when I finished the perimeter of the house, well half of it, I ran out of wood, i told Hermione to follow me using her map, but she pressed the wrong button and threw it somewhere and didn't bother to pick it up, she trailed behind me, walking slow, her food bar was at two, finally, we found some sheep, I killed four white sheep, and looked around for two more, I spotted some more sheep but they were at the top of a grassy mountain, I knew Hermione wouldn't make it that far, so I told her to stay put and hit some trees, while I go get those sheep.

I made it to the mountain and killed the two sheep, on my way down the mountain I realized it was nighttime.

"Y/N WHAT IN GODRICS NAME ARE THOSE THINGS" Hermione screamed and tried running from two zombies and a creeper, but her food bar was so low that all she could do was walk.

I started cracking up laughing as I ran down the mountain, my food bar was at 6.

"Fight them, Hermione, their mobs"


Oh shit, I still have her sword, I ran towards Hermione, sword out, and started smacking zombies, it took a few seconds seeing as I only had a wooden sword but I killed them.

"Y/N THERES A GREEN THING CHASING ME" Hermione screamed as she walked away from it.

"RUN DAMMIT" Hermione yelled at the screen.

I held my stomach as I started laughing.

This was the best birthday ever.

I regained my breath and grabbed my controller, I ran to Hermione with my sword, Hermione was now losing health because she had no food bars, I killed the creeper and dropped some raw pork for her.

"Eat one Hermione, I don't need you getting poisoned and being on one health the whole game" I instructed her.

I showed her how to eat, and she did, thankfully she didn't get poisoned.

"Did you get us any wood?" I asked

"Well I was hitting the tree but nothing was happening just a bunch of "swooshing" side effects" Hermione then made the swooshing sound.

"Did you hold down the button to hit?" I asked

"Oh, no" Hermione answered a little embarrassed

"You didn't tell me t-" Hermione stopped mid sentence and her eyes and mouth went wide.

"Y/n, what's t-that" Hermione pointed at the screen, i followed her finger and started laughing, an Enderman was holding a grass block and teleporting, I was laughing so hard I didn't see Hermione chase it and start pressing the button to hit things, I stopped laughing when I heard the sound of an Enderman being hit.


Hermione started screaming as the enderman screamed at her, she threw the controller at me and ran to my bed, I paused the game and laid next to her.

"Hermione, are you okay" I asked, concerned.

Hermione clutched onto me, and hid her face on my chest, her messy brown curls covering her face.

I held her and rubbed her back soothingly.

"I'm sorry I ruined your birthday" Hermione murmured.

"Noooo, I had a blast, it was fun seeing you suck at the game, I haven't laughed that hard in forever, you made my birthday ten times better" I kissed her head.

"Y/n, can we play again tomorrow" Hermione asked using her "I don't want to admit I'm wrong" voice.

My face turned smug.

"You like Minecraft" I teased

"Shut up" she groaned

"I love you Hermione" I whispered

" I love you too, Y/n."Hermione kissed the top of my chest and laid back down.

Best birthday ever.

A/n: I finally made it 😏
anyways I hope you enjoyed

Hermione Granger x female reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now