•thirty six•

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This chapter is dedicated to and inspired by the song 'Song Request' by Lee Sora ft. Suga.

'to someone, I'm spring
To another, winter
I'm the end to someone and the start to another
I'm happiness to someone and the soul to another
A lullaby to someone and at times a noise'

'to someone, I'm springTo another, winterI'm the end to someone and the start to anotherI'm happiness to someone and the soul to anotherA lullaby to someone and at times a noise'

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"No! Taehyung!"

Time is your enemy. Your feet move the quickest they ever have as you throw yourself to the edge. Fingers spread, arms stretched out while your eyes almost burst out of your skull and your throat bleeds from the wrenching scream of terror that erupts. Seconds has never felt so real, distance has never felt barricading.

Your world is cast into stillness. Time becomes obtuse as it sedates itself with deceit. In your vision, his feet are the first to disappear as they choose to let go of the edge of the building, then his body descends. Calves, thighs, hips, every part of him is slowly being stolen from your eyes, instilling horrendous fear and torment as you launch yourself forward.

Even nature itself seems to be your rival, as the wind blows against you, throwing its forceful fists at your body. But you defy nature, you defy fate. Because if this is truly the ending that the fortune teller saw, it's one that you won't accept.

"Is there hope?"

"That's for you to decide."

Then, you decide there is fucking hope.

Lastly, his head of blue disappears into the night, descending from your vision finally, departing from your life.

But not for long as you reach the edge and it comes closely into your view again. Your despondent hands reach for his, sight blocked by your hair as the wind tries to blind you. You feel your fingers wrap around his clothes, closing around his wrist and sealing themselves to an oath to never let go. The weight of his body almost pulls your feet off the ground, death attempting to take two souls home instead of one. But that's not the fate you've decided either.

His body dangles from your hold, your weak and small hand becoming the only thing that's stopping this lethal fate from achieving completion. Taehyung's eyes flicker upwards, his head tilting as his wide eyes meet yours, mouth agape and frightful.

"Y/N." He can barely speak, air stuck in his throat, pushing his words down but deep down he's screaming all of the screams he posses. What has he done? What's happening? He can't take you with him.

A wretched scream explodes out of your agony. Your arm feels like it's about to be ripped off. You can't lift him, all the strength you have is being used to barely keep him from slipping from your grip. You push against the cement in front of you with your other hand, trying to give yourself a balance of weight so you don't fall over the edge too. With all the strength in your body, you hold onto him. With all of heaven's will, you pray this man won't leave your life today.

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