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It's him

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It's him.

Taehyung glances over at you every once and a while. Even though you can't see him, he still finds it rude for him to straightforwardly stare. So, he tries to observe other things like the trees, the sky, the dainty birds chirping. But his eyes always draw back to you, head tilted as he wonders what could be going on in that graceful head of yours.

He doesn't know what he said but he's noticed the slight change in your mood, the faint troubled expression that never leaves your face no matter how many times you laugh it off.

Burdening thoughts of maybe you don't want to be with him start to veil his brain and he can feel his hands sweating.

"Uh, shall we sit?" he asks unevenly.

Your head snaps in his direction, an obvious forced smile breaking your worried lips. "Sure."

When you're about to sit down, he stops you, hand gripping at elbow "Wait, I forgot to bring a blanket."

You chuckle "It's fine, Tae. I can sit on the grass."

Tae. He smiles when you call him that, but doesn't give up "No, please."

He glances around, wondering what to do. Maybe you didn't care but this was guy of class in a business suit, he wouldn't sit on a bunch of grass.

Sighing, he shrugs off his blazer, using it as a sacrifice as he places beneath you. "Sit."

And you do, touching the glamorous fabric of his blazer and immediately worrying "Um, this feels expensive."

He laughs "Not for me."

"Oh." You say in a small voice, not knowing how to respond to that and he notices it straight away, cursing himself for acting so cocky.

He never boasted about his money. It seemed to be one of the main reasons why women or men were ever attracted to him, his money. They had always noticed it straight away, so he never felt the need to point it out.

Taehyung just looked royal. All the damn time.

With his constant work and non-existent holidays, he's always dressed in the most expensive suits. Normal clothes aren't in his dictionary.

Legs folding, you sit and rip out strands of grass from the scalp of soil, weaving them between your fingers before shredding them to the tiniest pieces. A wave of anxiety washes over you again and you forget about the man sitting down next to you, your entire headspace appearing a striking blue.

It's just a dream, a coincidence.

It's not like you can do anything, can you? Tell the guy next you that you've seen him fall off a building numerous times when you've never met him before. At least that's what you thought. Although it felt like you had met him before sometime ago, you only ever linked the familiarity to your dreams. Any other memories fade into abyss.

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