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Jungkook eyes Taehyung who sits with a chortling face, the expression looking so odd for a man he's heard to be so cold

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Jungkook eyes Taehyung who sits with a chortling face, the expression looking so odd for a man he's heard to be so cold. Every time you laugh, he glances at you inquisitively and something inside him twitches, wondering how the hell could some blue haired idiot make you laugh more than he can.

He's into spying on the two of you so much that he doesn't realize how long he's been doing it for.


Hands accidentally slapping the counter he's crouching behind in shock; his entire body jolts and his heart almost jumps out of his chest as a low and stern voice calls his name. His ears already recognize who's voice it is and he looks up slowly, eyes big and scared for the expectant scold from his boss.

Jin looks down at the younger man with his hands in his pockets, giving him the weirdest look. "What the fuck are you even doing? You've been down there for fifteen minutes."

"Oh." He replies, dubiously and tries to brush it off with harmless laughter. "Sorry, I guess I let my break go too long."

He glances over at the table far away where you and Taehyung sit, still happily conversing as the two of you munch on breadsticks. Jin catches him looking, following the direction of his glance in suspicion. When he sees his best friend and you sitting in his very own restaurant, his heart half swells and half breaks. Either way, he's surprised.

"Ah! Taehyung's here." He says, joyfully. It was always hard to get Taehyung to come to his restaurant, so seeing him here brightened his day a little.

Turning around, he quickly stops and turns to look at Jungkook again. "Were they the ones you've been staring at?"

Jungkook swallows and looks away as he tries to come up with an excuse. "Uhm...."

"Forget it." He waves his hand, deciding he's got bigger things to worry about. "Just make sure you serve them first before anyone else."

The boss disappears through the kitchen's doors and Jungkook lets out a sigh of relief, not knowing how he was going to explain how doubtful he was about his boss's best friend.

He runs a hand through his hair, taking a mental note to cut it soon as he realizes how long it's becoming. Unclipping his notepad and pen from his apron pocket, he exits himself from behind the counter and makes his way over to the cheeriest couple in the room.


"So, do you come here often?" You ask, accepting the breadstick he carefully places in your mouth.

He makes sure you get a hold of the breadstick before answering. "Yeah. Not often but only when I finally give in to Jin's never ending nagging to visit him."

Your cheeks lift at that, looking puffier than usual as they're filled with food. Taehyung bites his lip to keep him from smiling, adoring how cute you look.

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