•twenty seven•

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When you suggested a vacation, you meant somewhere a bit far from the city

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When you suggested a vacation, you meant somewhere a bit far from the city. Just a little distance to get a little fresh air and a little peace and quiet. A little. Like the countryside of Korea or something. That's what you meant.

Obviously, you and Taehyung weren't on the same page when you mentioned it. Rich people tend to think of bigger options because of their bigger bank accounts.

So there you are, wind viciously blowing your pearl locks across your face so much that you can barely see the pure white jet in front of you. Its door is ajar, the set of polished stairs inviting you inside along with the smiling man who's dressed like the pilot. Probably because he is.

"You okay, sweetheart?" Taehyung asks, sneaking an arm around your lower back and squeezing your hip.

You barely react to his show of affection, standing idly with a dumb expression. "Why is there a private jet?" But your words are drowned by the fierce wind and the loud shouts of the roaring engine.

"What?" He turns you to face him only to see even more hair strangle your features. The sight makes him laugh, his eyes curling into crescent moons while he bares a full set of teeth through his box smile.

Pulling the hair off your face, he plants a kiss on your lips as soon they're free. "Just trust me, you'll enjoy this."

"Okay." You say smally and let him take your hand as he pulls you to the jet.

The two of you climb the stairs and the pilot and an air hostess greet you with a polite smile. "Welcome on board, sir. It's been a while." The pilot speaks, shaking Taehyung's hand and he nods back.

The inside is spot clean, a creamy caramel covering the leather seats while they sit next to the shiny maroon tables to stand out from the dark carpet and the white aura of the walls. "Oh.", you say, trying to mask your astonishment with the lush appearance.

Taking your seats, the jet prepares to take off and take you to a place you still have no knowledge of. You sit in a seat opposite of your boyfriend, wishing you had him right next to you instead so you could hold his hand.

He looks over you, "You don't look okay."

"Hm-hm." You practically squeak your response.

"It's okay, it's the same experience when you take off in any other kind of plane." He says, thinking he's comforting you.

The jet shakes and you almost scream. "Funny because I've never been on a plane of any kind."

He tries his best not to look shocked, reminding himself that not everyone has the opportunities and privileges he has. But he can't control his look as much as he thinks he can.

"And it's not because I'm 'poor'." You let go of the armchair for a second to make air quotes and instantly regret it as the jet shakes again. Eyes shooting out of their sockets, you grip onto the side again. "I-it's just because I've never wanted to die by plummeting into the earth in a plane."

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