•thirty two•

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Jungkook really wished he had just gone straight out the front door and left the house as soon as possible

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Jungkook really wished he had just gone straight out the front door and left the house as soon as possible.

But no, instead he decided to look for a bathroom, wanting to splash his face with cool water, calm himself down and give himself a five-minute pet talk on how he shouldn't go back to the kitchen and punch the shit out of Taehyung.

However, it's been a fair few minutes of searching through Jin's massive house and every time he opens a door, it's sadly never a bathroom.

"Damn it", he mutters to himself, shutting yet another door. Due to his anger, the door slams shut, creating a louder noise than any of the other doors and the sound is evidently loud through the empty hallway.

Cringing, his shoulders tense for a second as he closes his eyes. Telling himself to calm down, he opens his eyes again and releases a breath as his shoulders sag, returning to his mission to find a bathroom.

'It's not your job to take care of her anymore, Jungkook.'

He mocks what Taehyung said in his head and continues to mutter to himself, "Bullshit. As if he knows one damn thing about her. I'm the one who was there for her all those years and he just waltzed in with his rich ass. What's a rich motherfucker like him pretending to be all serious in a relationship? He's definitely a hoe that sleeps around and treats women like shit."

Turning around the corner, he opens another door while continuing to talk to himself. The room is pitch black and the smell of metal blazes his nostrils. "Where's the damn light?"

He fumbles for the light switch, feeling up the wall blindly next to him. Finding a button, he presses it and the room comes to life. He should have known from the smell of metal that this room is a garage because when the room lights up, there's no sign of a toilet, just an expensive-looking car sitting neatly polished.

Jungkook studies the car up and down, admiring it for a second. "Fucking rich people.", he curses in jealousy.

About to leave the room, he moves to switch off the light, only to realise there are numerous buttons and he's got no clue which button he pressed. In frustration, he pushes a random one, only for another light to switch on. Losing his patience, his thumb jabs at them all rapidly in hope for one of them to turn off all the lights.

A noise erupts into the air, jolting his steady body faintly. Jungkook turns around, realizing the booming sound was only another garage door opening within the garage.

How many cars does the boss have?

Except when the garage door fully lifts, there's not a brand new shiny looking car hidden behind. It's a big black car, completely bashed up to pieces.

"What the fuck?" Jungkook questions the air quietly, curious feet automatically moving towards the shattered vehicle as he wonders why Jin would have such a broken car in his garage.

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