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A/N: So random but this man can choke me anyday

A/N: So random but this man can choke me anyday

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Caged but not imprisoned.

It's the safest feeling in the world. Having his warm arms wrapped around you firmly so that you can feel your body easily dissolve into his. Cheek against his bare chest, hands curled and pressed against his stomach while your legs stay entangled with his like an inseparable knot.

His breath sensitively blows over the top of your head and the steady but deep breathing tells you he's still in heavy slumber. You never knew he could sleep this long nor this deep. He's told you about his trouble sleeping and the dark circles that outlined the bottom of his eyes were always undeniably noticeable. So, instead of stirring or trying to wake him up, you stay still and treasure this sweet moment that you never want to lose.

It's usually impossible to tell the night from day with your loss of sight but you're not completely blind so if the light was unusually blinding or strong, you'd be able to notice it. And this time you did. Along with the increasing warmth you can feel from the air, you can only guess that the sun has fully risen and is prompt to grace you with its beneficial gifts.

Everything is perfect and precious. But while you're silently wishing for this time to never end, the sudden ringing of the doorbell told you to stop acting so foolish. You frown into his chest, squishing your nose into his skin while you cup your ears. You know he's going to wake up soon as the blaring sound never ends and when you feel your human shield shift, you curse inside your mind at whoever's decided to interrupt such a precious moment.

"Hmm..." He lets out a hum, shifting as his arms release your body and he rubs his eyes harshly, trying to awake himself from the sleep that tries to pull him back in selfishly.

"I think there's someone at the door." You say softly, unmoving while staying coiled up in your position.

Taehyung sits up at this point, his mind fuzzy and vision blurry as he looks down at you. It takes him a while to process everything and once he does, his jaw drops into the bed.

He really had sex with you. Just thinking about last night explains to why his body feels so amazing right now. Fully rested and refreshed. He swore he hasn't slept that well since he was a baby. He doesn't feel groggy either or like he needs to beg for more sleep. He feels like he's had all the sleep he'll ever need.

"Taehyung?" You call him out of his staggered thoughts and his ears consume the loud bell that stubbornly continues to ring. As he takes his eyes off you to stare at his bedroom door, an angry frown takes place on his face and he too starts to curse in his mind.

"Just hang on for a second, sweetheart." He presses a kiss to the side of your head before escaping the bed. Quick to exit the room as the ringing starts to irritate him more and more, he grabs his robe on the way, wrapping it around himself and crossly knotting it.

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