•twenty five•

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You had never been in a place so mystically blinding

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You had never been in a place so mystically blinding. The white binds to your feet as you walked across a smooth surface of a milky cloud, the colour and surroundings dazzling your sight.

'Is this heaven?' You question yourself, a small amount of confusion resting upon your chest as your numb hands have a mind of their own and reach out by themselves.

It can't be heaven already, not yet. You still have so much of the earth to see. But you're so happy here. It's silvery white wherever your eyes rest, the colour of pure and innocence. You're relish in all the clarity. Why would you want to leave?

Amidst the spellbinding white, you spot the conspicuous colour in the distance. The white is so inordinate that you almost forgot about all the other colours. It makes the far blue across from you only look more prominent. 

"Taehyung!" You shout gleefully out of seeing him. His tall body is dressed in full white and he blends into the surface.

He turns around and suddenly without moving, he's right in front of you. You hadn't even blinked but him being so far from your reach becomes a memory that never took place. 

Taking your arm from its statue position, he takes it into his hold and smiles at your hand then smiles at you. A small, closed lip smile that says so much but doesn't explain anything. 

"You haven't saved me." 

Your smile fades a bit as you try to deduce what he means. "What?" 

Watching him meticulously, you realize how sad his smile really is. "You haven't saved me yet, Y/N." 

It's your name that triggers the black. It starts to slither all over the white behind him like a evil slick snake. It takes over like a sick plague that has no cure. 

You start to panic, your breath quickening as the twisted knots in your stomach tell you something bad is going to happen.

"I want to be saved, Y/N." He says, oddly calm as the black has now covered his entire background, but it doesn't reach you. It's only him, creating an obvious divide of black and white between the two of you.

"T-taehyung." You say, heavy breaths rapidly getting out of control.

"You need to save me." 

It creeps onto his clothing, turning every inch of him a gothly black that dominates the rest of the surface. You scream in horror, afraid he'll disappear along with the dark soon too.

The black doesn't stop at his clothes, it reaches his radiant hair. Every bright blue strand has its beautiful glow stolen by the lethal black that overpowers its beauty. 

"Save me." He begs tenuously.

It's a different brightness that you can sense as you wake up. No more warning whites or vacant views. Or scrawling blacks. 

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