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The drive home from work is silent

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The drive home from work is silent.

With the radio broken, silence is more prominent as there are no cheesy lyrics to sing loudly with Jungkook as he drives. The glass windows of the car are thankful for the rest from your screeching.

But that's not the only reason it's silent.

It's also because of a man consuming all your thoughts. You have no idea what he looks like so far, but you know his name, you know his lips feel, how his laugh sounds and what his name is.

Kim Taehyung.

Your damn boss. You shouldn't be thinking about him this much.

But the only way you know what he looks like is if he really is the man from your dreams. In that case you can picture him perfectly. His vivid blue hair strikes your mind, never leaving a single thought alone as it sticks to each cloud in your brain.

It's shaken you and things are different now. Ever since he kissed you and took you in his arms, this weird fuzzy feeling has stayed with you throughout. Not only can you not get him out of your head, but you feel this urgency to be with him. Whether it's in silence or just touching each other, you need some sort of confirmation that his presence is there.

It drives you crazy. Mixed feelings of stressful and blissful blending into the same word.

And the date, goodness. Where did that even come from? Not that you were complaining but still why is your boss out of all people wanting to go on a date with you. You've heard of his incredibly handsome looks and riches as well as his stone-cold heart or just being plain heartless towards everyone.

Which baffles you the most because the man he is with you is nothing like the man other people have warned you about. So, once again, your curiosity grows and burns in the front of your mind.

Jungkook glances at you here and there, carefully watching your expression as he tries to figure out what you're thinking about.

It's unusual for you to be this quite with him. While anyone else would expect it as the norm, he knows the real you. The loud and funny you who's not afraid to slap him at any chance you get.

Uneasily, he grips the steering wheel. It's not like he never felt uneasy whenever he drove in a car with you. Ever since that accident, he hasn't really been comfortable driving you anywhere.

But that incident only made him promise himself he'd be there for you at any chance he could get so of course he offers himself as your chauffeur whenever you required him to be.

"Do you want tteoboki or pizza tonight?" He asks out of the blue, keeping a cheerful tone as he waits for your answer.

His sudden question startles you a bit, dragging you out of your thoughts. "Uh, I don't mind." You respond quietly, nibbling on your nails.

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