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*WARNING: mature/sexual content*

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*WARNING: mature/sexual content*

Your head gradually drops down when you hear Taehyung say that and he instantly panics. He realises its a habit you have whenever you're upset. Whenever you don't want the world to see you and you force the long silvery locks to close over your face like a curtain.

"Hey," He settles the camera down onto the table and places a hand over yours to which you thankfully don't retreat from. "What's wrong? Is it something I said?"

You stay completely still, your breathing incredibly shallow. "Taehyung." You speak softly, too quiet for the happy mood you were in just now. "Do you like me just for my looks?"

The question comes out of the blue for him. First he's a bit baffled but then slowly the confusion turns into surprised anger to why you would ask such a question. "Of course not. You're the sweetest person I know."

"No, but-." You stop yourself and he can tell you're finding it hard how to put what you want to say into words. "I'm talking about like spending time with me and liking me for who I am as a person."

Taehyung doesn't hesitate to answer as it's something he doesn't even have to think about. "Yes. I mean it, Y/N. I literally can't stand everyone on this fucking planet except for you and Jin. I wouldn't cancel so many of my work schedules every day if I didn't love spending time with you."

He thought he had insecurities but they seem so small when he knows someone like you can't understand how amazing and wonderful they are or how much light they bring to other people's lives.

It takes Taehyung a few lingering thoughts before he continues to speak, still finding it hard to express his true feelings that he hasn't been used to saying out loud for a long time.

"You're an incredible person, Y/N. You're not only beautiful on the outside but even more beautiful on the inside and that's the part I truly adore. The part where you're unbelievably kind hearted, never fail to make me laugh and your mind. God, your mind is fucking amazing like I didn't know people could have the creative thoughts you do."

A giggle slips through your lips and causes him to smile. "I could go on and on about all the things that are making me fall in love with you."

That takes your breath away slightly. He's falling in love with me?

Even Taehyung halts for a second, realising what he just said but then ignores the foreign feeling and cups both of your hands. "Please don't ever ask something like that again."

Gradually, you nod. "Well, at least you know that I appreciate you for you and not your looks too."

You raise your hand, reaching out to cup his face. His eyes close as he feels your soft skin and leans into the embrace, kissing your palm. And as hard as it was to believe that someone actually did appreciate him that way, he knows. He does know.

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