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*WARNING: mature/sexual content*

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*WARNING: mature/sexual content*

"Jungkook wants your phone number." You straight out tell your boyfriend.

It had been the only thing Jungkook had been pestering you to do since you woke up. It was either you giving it to him or him torturing Taehyung until he got it.

You know your best friend. He's not someone to give up so easily. 

Taehyung looks up from his bowl of noodles with big doe eyes from where he sits across the desk from you.

It was another work day today and lately your boyfriend's business had been skyrocketing, his income was just about doubling. And while you were over the moon for all his success, it also meant spending less time with him. 

Bringing in prepared lunch or snacks to his office when he'd be working had become a regular now, especially since he always forgot to eat. Plus it meant you had yet another excuse to see him, give him a break from being one of the most successful people in Korea to just being your dearly missed boyfriend. 

His loud chewing pauses at your question and he swallows the mush in his mouth in one big gulp. "My what?"

A sigh drops from your lips as you repeat yourself. "Your number, your phone number. Jungkook wants me to give it to him."

"Uh..." Taehyung glances down at his steaming noodles. "I can give him one of my business cards and he can-"

"No, I'm talking about your personal number." You correct him in persistence. 

He blinks, a furrow forming between his eyebrows. "Why does he need it exactly?"

"Well," You start, brushing your hair off your shoulders. "I think you already know how protective he is and this is just one of the many the protective things he does. He just wants your personal phone number so he contact you about me if I'm missing or something."

"Or more like he just wants to make sure I don't hurt you in case I'm just another jerk." He suggests, reading your mind completely. He knew what Jungkook thought of him by now which meant he also knew how little the man actually trusted him with you. 

Your teeth graze your upper lip anxiously. "And that too, yes."

Taehyung lays his chopsticks down, leaning back into his business chair as he thinks. "I'll think about it." 

You laugh, surprising him. "Oh no, I wasn't really asking. I was just letting you know."

He tilts his head at you and continue speaking after noticing the momentary silence. "Jungkook's a pretty stubborn guy. Trust me, it's better if I just give it to him."

He sinks into his seat, sulking. "Why can't this guy just like me? Like seriously, what do I have to do?"

Thinking he's only asking that question sarcastically, you shrug but he sits back up almost immediately. "I know." He says, pointing with his index finger as his face lights up. "I'll take him out on a date."

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