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It became a terrible habit for Jin to check his phone every ten minutes, thinking it was necessary

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It became a terrible habit for Jin to check his phone every ten minutes, thinking it was necessary. Every time he would get a notification or his phone would ring, his heart would stop for a second. He was afraid but also eager to see whether the one question he's been asking himself through all these sleepless nights was finally going to be answered.

There was only one person he wanted to hear from. And it was eating him alive that he was taking so long.

As he walks back into the kitchen after saying his goodbyes to Taehyung and you, he locks the empty lockscreen and sighs to himself while sliding it back into his pocket. He passes the cooks and busy waiters and waitresses, forcing a smile as they all tensely bow to him.

Feeling like he needs something strong to wash away his stress, he heads into the wine closet at the back, hoping no one was watching. However, that was only the case after be got inside.

A loud shout rips from his throat as he  finds another man leaning against the shelves of wine. The man doesn't even flinch while Jin's hand flies to his chest and he stares with ridiculously big eyes. "Jungkook?"

Jungkook doesn't spare his boss a glance, head dipped low as he mumbles. "Sorry, sir."

Jin's shocked stare travels down and lands on the open bottle of wine in his hand. "Oh, for fucks sake. Why the hell would you-?". Stopping himself from having a huge outburst, he looks closer at Jungkook's expression and notices the solemn and sad emotions blended into his usual smiling face.

"Are you okay?" He asks, hesitantly. He gradually inches his way closer to him, placing a hand on his shoulder for comfort.

"Yeah, I guess, I don't know." In the last few words, Jungkook lets his head fall in his other hand out of exasperation from his tangled feelings. "I'm just constantly worried about Y/N all the damn time."

Jin swallows at the mention of your name but Jungkook looks too in pain for him to feel worried about himself right now. "You're just being a good friend."

He scoffs in response. "Like that friend of yours?"

Eyebrows scrunching, Jin replies "Tae?"

Jungkook nods, finally looking at him. "Just tell me one thing. Is he a good guy?"

"Of course he is." He tells him quickly and suddenly only the bad things Taehyung's done in the past shoot the front of his mind.

Either way, Jungkook doesn't seem to believe him and he looks away again, letting his worry consume him. Jin watches him in concern, giving sympathy to his favourite employee. "Why are you so worried about her? She's made it this far with her disability."

"Which was my fault in the first place." Jungkook states, demeaningly.

Jin's face scrunches at that. "Your fault? How the hell is it-?"

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