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*Dis a pretty important chapter. Brace yourself*

The tiniest breeze whirls the perishing leaves across the pavement, causing them to move against their lost will while some get stuck in the cracks of the concrete

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The tiniest breeze whirls the perishing leaves across the pavement, causing them to move against their lost will while some get stuck in the cracks of the concrete. It's chiller in this part of the city and darker, weirdly enough as the sun decides not to shine as courteously like it does in the centre of the city.

Even the corners of the buildings stay grey and casted into darkness, only making the alleyways leerier and more perilous. Graffiti doesn't hesitate to crawl across the walls of the buildings just as the boundless rubbish continues to blow down the pathways, destroying the cleanliness of the city.

Jin never comes down here. He's never had a reason to. And it turns out other people don't either since the cafe he sits outside of is just about empty. He adjusts his blazer uncomfortably, the expensive material deceiving him as it fails to keep him securely warm. Coming straight from work, he didn't have time to go home and change and he was already regretting the long walk back. He couldn't let his driver know to where he is, especially today.

While he stares across the shady street where no cars drive, he can't help but let him mind dig deeper into the remorseful memory that brought him here in the first place.

"Just let me drive." Jin tells his friend again, placing more persistence into his voice that his friend only decides to shrug off.

"Not a chance, Jin." He replies, slurring his words a bit as he speaks which only worries Jin more as it proves just how drunk his friend is. "I'm the daddy tonight."

Jin bursts into laughter, feeling a bit tipsy from the alcohol he's had himself. "You're fucking crazy." He shakes his head as he makes his way around the car, settling himself into the passenger seat.

His friend only winks at him as he gets into the big black car, almost tripping as he misses the step the first time. It was a miracle of how vacant the street was that night. Maybe that's why Jin let his drunk friend drive instead. The absence of cars gave him a little reassurance.

The streets were dark, barely any lamps to properly light up the roads ahead. This late at night, the town was pretty much asleep. No shops were open, most curtains were drawn of the neighbouring flats and no one was to be seen wandering the treacherous streets at the late hour. The only thing that kept the town alive that night was the big black car driving right down the centre of the road.

"Duuuuuude." Jin sings out a groan. "Stay to one fucking side. You're gonna make me throw up with your driving."

The man driving snickers. "Go ahead, bro. I'll throw up with you." He says, feeling a little sick himself.

With a roll of the eyes, Jin ends up laughing along shamelessly, forgetting all his concerns that he shouldn't have been forgetting.

The car approaches traffic lights but his friend doesn't show any intention in slowing down. "Bro, stop the fucking car. It's red."

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