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Taehyung drags his body into his building

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Taehyung drags his body into his building. The transparent doors of the wide entrance close behind him, cutting off the disruptive noises of the chaotic city while the traffic of the rowdy roads increases.

As soon as he gets in, he hesitates his footsteps and gives himself time to take a couple of breaths. Rubbing his eyes with one hand, he quietly groans into his palm, knowing his headache won't be leaving him anytime soon.

He cusses at himself for not being able to sleep last night. Not like he barely gets any sleep anyway, but last night was a lot worse. Usually, it was the tossing and turning of his mind that caused the same for his body all night. But this time it was dreams. Loads of them.

Whether he should call them nightmares or dreams was a big question. But to call it normal was no question at all. Every time he closed his eyes, he'd see your face. Smiling, crying, laughing. All these memories of you as if he's already spent a lifetime with you when he swore there was still so much to come.

Disregarding all the bowing people around him, he gets into an elevator that takes him high above the clouds. It climbs through the infinite number of floors until it finally reaches its destination. With a light sound, the doors open, and he steps out grudgingly.

Jaehyun immediately catches his eye, the young man forcing a pleasant smile and approaching his boss carefully while he holds multiple files in his hands. "Good morning, sir. I hope you're feeling better for today."

"Yeah." he grumbles, lifelessly accepting the coffee his assistant hands to him. By only taking a few sips, he feels himself start to relax more, hoping he'd be fully healed by the time he'd finish the cup. But no promises are made.

"Are we set for the agreement in China?"

Jaehyun's eyes light up as his eyes shoot to his clipboard. "Yes, sir. About that, they wanted to schedule for another meeting due to some complications."

"Complications?" The volume of his voice increases in level as he glares at Jaehyun, making him grip his clipboard tighter.

Taehyung halts, looking away as he sighs. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice."

Mouth parting and eyes stiffening, Jaehyun almost drops his clipboard to the floor. He's unable to comprehend what his boss has just said, debating whether he heard it right at all. Never once in his life did he think he'd hear an apology come from Taehyung's mouth. He's sure that's probably about the nicest thing Taehyung has ever said to him. Heck, maybe anyone.

He doesn't say anything, not sure how to follow Taehyung's apology. Taehyung himself pauses ineptly, slightly scrunching his eyebrows as he questions himself. He glances at Jaehyun who avoids his gaze immediately.

Clearing his throat, he asks "Schedule the meeting for 2PM next week."

Jaehyun nods, sliding out a pen as he scribbles away. "And we also have to make a decision about the expiration date of the sponsorship by...."

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