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Breath stolen by his mouth, eyes broad and body still frozen, your brain is unable to envision what's happening or what you're feeling

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Breath stolen by his mouth, eyes broad and body still frozen, your brain is unable to envision what's happening or what you're feeling.

It's lips to lips, mouth to mouth. A single kiss silencing everything in existence as the only focus becomes you and him.

You swear you've never met him before; you don't know what he looks like and you don't know who he is at all. Your mind alters your thoughts into all kinds of fuzzy, misting all the questions and restless words. In that moment, when you swear, you're not in any way familiar with this man, everything becomes so clear.

His silky and demanding lips become the thing you know the most, the only thing you'll ever know. There's no uncertainty, no questions and no more barriers to the world you significantly fear. With his hands on your body and his mouth caressing yours, you purposely surrender yourself and willingly become defenseless in his arms.

All oxygen and sensible thoughts crash into an ocean of pleasure, the desirable waves crashing satisfyingly as your eyes automatically close to fully immerse yourself in the magical kiss. Your shaking hands relax against his chest, inevitably traveling up his shirt for your arms to coil around his neck.

He had claimed your lips sloppily at first but once he got a feel of your mouth and all the hesitant familiarity sunk in, the kiss diminishes into a slow and rhythmic song playing serenely. When he feels your small hands brush against his neck, he finds himself lowering his head to deepen the kiss, turning it into a passionate exchange of affection.

Mindlessly responding, you eagerly lean in your head too. He's so tall that you end up rising to your toes, tightening the hold on his neck as his hands tighten their hold around your waist, caging you into his body as you voluntarily become his prisoner.

All is perfect. All is complete. You and him. Together. Makes undeniably perfect sense. But leaving his touch, leaving his arms and leaving his presence. It becomes a reality you never want to see happening in your whole lifetime.

Sadly, that's what it comes to when you feel his lips suddenly withdrawing from yours and hands lost from your body.

"What the fuck, man?!" Jungkook shouts as he grabs a fistful of Taehyung's shirt and wrenches it backward forcefully. He does it with enough force for Taehyung to stumble back, his body immediately leaving yours as his eyes fly wide open.

Jungkook pushes him back by the chest, causing him to stumble further. Still in a daze, Taehyung almost loses his balance, quickly commanding himself to snap back into reality as he notices the furious man before him. "Who the fuck allowed you to go around kissing random women?"

Random? His eyes draw back to your figure now standing behind the protective youngster. She's not random.

He can't put it into words. Seeing you now, he's looking at you so differently. It's exactly how the fortune teller described it. You were here this whole time. It's only now that he's finally opened his eyes.

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