•twenty eight•

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Blowing out a breath feels different when you're surrounded by radiant beauty and you're holding hands with the person you love the most in the world

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Blowing out a breath feels different when you're surrounded by radiant beauty and you're holding hands with the person you love the most in the world.

The action becomes more serene and peaceful than you'd expect, feeling as though all foreboding thoughts are unleashed from your body and float into the calm waters near you. They're carried away, letting you know that this is a place where you can forget about the outside world and there's nothing to hold you from pure bliss.

It's been a number of days and to be honest, you lost count after the first two. Taehyung didn't say how long he wants to stay but from the way he hasn't mentioned work once, you can tell he never wants to leave. Neither do you. You hadn't expected this place to feel like such a paradise. The food, the sunny weather, cool and calm winds, but most important of all, the company.

Waking up without an alarm blaring you alive is a wondrous thing you wish you had all the time. Instead, there's nothing to wake you up except for the hushed waters or just the cluster of kisses from Taehyung that he flutters across your cheeks, lips and every other inch of you until you finally open your eyes into his.

Your shoulders sink into his bare chest, bodies that are in free cotton clothing, pressed against each other. His body feels loose and unchained from the tight business suits he would wear throughout the eternal days back in Seoul. The relaxed feeling overtakes you so much that you have to stop yourself from falling asleep in his warmth.

The two of you are sitting outside, sprawled along a beach lounger chair. He has an arm around you, resting on your bare stomach while he holds a book in his other hand, eyes licking up all the words of the page as they slip off the paper and float into his head. He can't remember the last time he read for fun. All the paper that was shoved in his face were endless documents, filled with words he never wanted to read.

The chapter comes to an end and he folds the corner of the page carefully, placing the book down on the mini table next to him. Taking a quick sip of his fruit juice, he hears you let out a small noise. As he looks down, he captures your sleeping state, eyes closed shut and lips in a small pout while you shift your head on his chest and nudge your nose into his skin.

A smile easily steals his lips and he can't think of not giving you a kiss full of love upon your head.

He never realised how much you can sleep and although he found himself being able to sleep way more than he usually could, it was always a hassle to wake you up in the morning. He'd find himself opening his eyes to your closed ones every morning and would stop himself from admiring your peaceful appearance for too long. It was only so long he could go without hearing your beautiful voice talk to him too.

Then again, he can't blame you. It's not like the two of you spend the nights sleeping anyway.

Sipping his drink, he lays his head back, a tranquil smile on his face as he too closes his eyes and wishes he could stay in this moment forever.

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