•thirty seven•

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It's the deep sleep that was stopping you from opening your eyes

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It's the deep sleep that was stopping you from opening your eyes. Was it deep sleep? You didn't know. You just knew this heavy force didn't want you to awaken, holding you beneath its waves, straining your limbs flat against the bed as your head sinks deeper into the pillow.

But it's not like you wanted to come out of the sleep anyway because every time you started to awake, a searing pain would shoot through the back of your skull and your eyes would automatically squeeze shut, begging for sleep to take you back into its cage.

Except now, the sleep no longer wanted you still, giving you a reason to open your eyes. Your body awakening, a profound frown engraves your face out of discomfort. At the slight slit of your eyes splitting open, blinding bright light stabs your eyes.

"Ung..." You let out, pressing your eyes shut again.

"Y/N? Y/N, are you awake?"

It's an indistinguishable voice. Not one you've heard before or at least not more than once.

It hurts too much to give them a full answer, only managing to make grunts and noises whilst your body slowly squirms in the stiff bed you lie in.

"Should I get the doctor?"

This person isn't a doctor? Who is it? Why is there a random stranger in my room?

But this isn't even your room and as you finally open your eyes, you learn that. Through your lightly blurry vision, the white walls and equipment around you immediately tell you. You're in the hospital.

"Are you able to hear me?"

Turning your head viciously, you find a woman peering down at you, getting too close for your liking. But as your vision starts to clear, her features become clear and you recognize her straight away.

"Ms Chung." You mumble, still struggling to talk as your dry throat begs for water.

She smiles, her rich red lips parting while her white teeth gleam down at you. "You remember who I am."

Your frown hasn't left your face and you push yourself to sit up but instantly regret it. "Ah." You grab your head, a rush of pain spreading throughout.

"Careful." She says as she helps you sit up slowly, preparing your pillows.

"Why does it hurt so much?" You mutter mostly to yourself.

"You hit your head." She answers anyway, pulling a chair next to your bed and sitting herself down. "Pretty hard, I must say. You've been out for hours."

When you feel the back of your head, you can feel a bandage. Damn, it must've been really hard.

"How did I hit my...?"

The answer comes to you before you can finish your question. Eyes growing wide, you look at her, "Taehyung!"

Her hands fly up to assure you, eyebrows raising. "Is completely fine, don't worry."

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