•twenty two•

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One honk after the other, the cars play their instruments as if they're in an uncoordinated orchestra

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One honk after the other, the cars play their instruments as if they're in an uncoordinated orchestra. The traffic guard seems to be losing patience with his chaotic students, each one of them desperately trying to get their own spotlight and not wanting to follow the music on the sheets given to them. Instead they continue to honk their horns, eyes burning through the hot red lights that only laugh back at them.

Taehyung's driver wasn't any better. He was usually quite collected, always talking politely and giving occasional small smiles to show that he isn't thrilled to be doing his job but happy enough since he's getting paid a good amount.

But today he let his smile crack, curses muttered under his breath that only you can hear while your beautifully blue haired lover frowns at the other cars alongside his. The heavy knot in his eyebrows matching the vicious thoughts in his head as he tries not to explode in front of you again.

"This damn traffic." Taehyung says reasonably quietly but the agitation is clear in his voice. "We're never going it to make it to the appointment in time."

"This is why I suggested taking the subway." You respond in the same volume, remaining more calm than him.

He takes his eyes off the traffic to look at you. "The tube, sweetheart?" A chuckle of his tingles your ears. "I haven't taken the subway a day in my life and I don't expect I ever will."

But that isn't the only reason he hadn't wanted to take the subway. As hectic the traffic is today he knows that means the subway would be just as busy and he doesn't want to put you in any overcrowded places like the subway. Not on this day, especially not on this day. He wants to give you the most peaceful and comforting environment he can support you with.

Today, he's different. You're boyfriend. More on edge, more nervous. Possibly more nervous than you. But that's not really the case. You are nervous, deep down. You can't tell whether it's a bad nervous or a good nervous. Both joy and fear tangling in endless spirals only to muddle you further.

This is what you wanted, isn't it? And the man of your dreams has just given it to you freely. Smile a little at least.

It's funny the way you slip your hand into your boyfriends' as the doctor's talking, lending him a reassuring smile as he listens intently, his eyebrows drawn and eyes sparing it's blinks as if he needs all senses on alert or he'll miss out a single piece of information.

Barely expecting him to react, he tilts his head your way. Once he sees your smile, it magically calms him. You can feel his muscles untighten and that comforts you.

"We'll have to do an MRI scan first." The doctor concludes the long talk that you only just realize you had barely been listening to. It's like you've just been sitting in a class and your head has been wandering off the entire lesson but now the teacher has just informed you of the exam you must take and you don't know a single damn reason why.

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