•twenty six•

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"Are you really not gonna eat your ice cream?" Jungkook repeats his question

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"Are you really not gonna eat your ice cream?" Jungkook repeats his question. The same question he asked a few minutes ago.

Glancing up from the grey cement, you shake your head and return to biting your nails while the two of you sit on a bench next to a vibrant ice cream truck. He can't stand to watch the bubblegum ice cream in your hands just melt away so he swallows the last scoop of his own ice cream and settles the empty cup down so that he can take yours and starts eating it for you.

It was a habit and usually a really helpful solution to always get you a few scoops of bubblegum ice cream. Any time you were upset or troubled, the two of you would just sit there, eat ice cream and talk everything out. So, seeing you not even touching your ice cream today is quite self explanatory of how upset you are. Even dessert can't solve your problem.

"All this time I thought I was crazy and delusional because of those dreams." You mutter into your hand. "But now I know that I'm not, it just makes me feel even crazier."

Licking the ice cream off his lips, Jungkook leans closer to you. "Listen, I don't know jack shit about all this fate or future seeing dreams crap but there's definitely a way out of this."

You frown at him with doubt, "How?"

He opens his mouth and then closes it a split second later to give him time to think. The knot in his eyebrows grows deeper as he thinks hard before opening his mouth again. "You said you have the exact same dream over and over right?"

"Yes." Your frown doesn't budge.

"Then that means you have a memory of the same place this might happen."

Still, your frown doesn't move an inch. If anything it only becomes more profound and he sees this. "I'm saying in order to prevent your dream becoming a reality, keep Taehyung far away from the place where it happens."

Now you can understand what he's saying, but you still don't understand how it is of much help. "It was at the top of a building, Jungkook. We live in Seoul, there's buildings everywhere."

"Seoul? Was it in Seoul?" He asks, leaning forward.

"Uh.." You think so. It was never the main focus every time you saw your lover on the edge of death. But thinking about it now, the place had strikingly looked like Seoul. "Yeah, I-I think so."

"Great." Jungkook puts his hands out as if you've just solved the problem myself. "That's it. Just get him out of Seoul, that should prevent something. It holds back that exact scene that could happen."

You shake your head. "But he works here, Kookie."

"I'm not saying forever. Just like...for a vacation or something. It's not the best plan but it gives us time to figure out something. For you to...fix him or whatever, find out why he would want to end his life like that."

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