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Running out of blue haired Taehyung gifs already, cri.

Running out of blue haired Taehyung gifs already, cri

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It's an ordinary scene for Taehyung.

Alone. In a bar. Drinking all by himself.

When he first came down to the bar, at the ripe legal age of being able to drink, he was a bit uncomfortable. Although everyone was consumed in their own conversations and company, he thought each pair of eyes were fixated on him.

He used to be afraid of what other people would think of him. But soon he got used to it, leaving any fucks he gave outside the bar.

A tall man entering in his business suit at the end of a work day, drinking glass after glass. His alcohol and the dismal grey cloud above his head were the only things to ever keep him company on nights like this.

Except for the time occasional times a woman would approach him. And if he'd be willing enough, he'd take her home, releasing a few minutes of pain within the sheets with a stranger. Her face would never stay in his mind, endlessly sleeping with different women.

While others pity the poor man, wishing he'd have someone sat by his side, someone who wanted more than just his body and looks.

But it's an ordinary scene for him. He doesn't care for other people's pity, he's accepted this is how he'll be spending his worthless youthful years.

Gulping down the last drops of his third mug of whiskey, the alcohol is tasteless against his tongue, the bitter tang no longer existent. He holds up his hand and signals for another. The bartender instantly sees it from afar, knowing the usual. He's seen the same troubled man at the end of the bar so often that you could say they're practically friends.

But that word scarcely exists in Taehyung's dictionary. So, unlike all those books and movies where the bartender would chat up the lonely customers at the bar, the young businessman remains solitary. Millions of drops of alcohol isolating him further from the exhilaration of the world.

Other than the usual condescending thoughts unceasingly lecturing him, there was a distinctive thing on his mind today. Something that seemed to stand out more than anything else, agitating him further.


The previous incident today involving you replays in his mind repeatedly. He rattles his memory, clawing through his head in vexation to remember where he's seen you before.

A lurid crash thunders a few tables away, resonating through the bar. The racket jerks him out of his thoughts, uncluttering his obscured mind for a few seconds. With a vigorous grimace, he turns his head to the direction of the sound. A few heads turn as well but when they realize only a small accident has taken place, they return back to their meals and drinks.

Taehyung, however, keeps his eyes hooked. He watches a waitress jumping back, a liquid staining the front of her and a tall man frantically trying to clean up the mess. It's none of his business and to be honest, he has absolutely no interest in someone else fucking up.

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