•twenty nine•

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*WARNING: mature content ahead*

"How was it?", the instructor asks you as soon as he takes off his goggles and breathing tube. He smiles brightly, looking as though he enjoyed it just as much as you did.

An automatic bright smile is returned and all you can let out is, "Wah..." to which he chuckles at.

"It is magical, isn't it?"

You nod in agreement as another crew member helps you remove the equipment, your body feeling ten times lighter once the oxygen tank is removed from your back. Thanking the crew member, you whip around to face Taehyung to ask him the same question, thinking he must have exited the water by now.

But when you twist your body, he's nowhere to be seen.

Your eyebrows scrunch towards each other and you turn to the instructor again who's only just starting to realise that Taehyung isn't anywhere to be seen. "Has my boyfriend come out? He must've already."

"Yeah, he must've...", he trails off, looking past you as he stares into the waters that are no longer a bright and beautiful blue, they've turned dark and dangerous with the situation.

Panic is about to flood you, a high blue wave building up and getting ready to descend, crashing everything to bits until you drown in it.

"You said our oxygen was about to run out right?", you ask him one of the questions amongst the many flying in all directions inside your head.

This time the instructor doesn't answer you. Instead, he's grabbing his goggles and running to the edge of the boat. You watch him dive off urgently, his body disappearing between the murky waters. Without realizing it, your feet start running to jump into the sea too.

"Ma'am, you shouldn't do that!", a crew member shouts, she grabs you by the arm strongly, pulling you back and making sure you don't have a chance to jump in after the instructor.

"Taehyung!", your lungs explode with his name screeching from your chest.

This can't be happening.

It can't be. You thought you were doing everything right. You thought you saved him, you got him out of Seoul, you brought him here to keep him safe from the dark side of himself. So that you could keep him safe in your arms.

And yet there you are standing with your arms empty, your loved one swallowed up by the poignant blue that wavers in the wind.

Tears start to drip down your face. Painful and agonizing tears full of fear that you've failed him and that just like that, you have lost the love of your life. Your heart hurts. Too much. You feel like it really has been shattered to pieces breaking again and again.

Watching the waters through your blurred vision, you see the instructor surface the waters and your heart stops. In his arms, he's dragging a body with him as he swims one handed to the boat. It's Taehyung, eyes closed and unmoving as he's attached to the instructor's body.

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