•thirty one•

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As soon as Taehyung and you get off the jet, both your phones make a sound

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As soon as Taehyung and you get off the jet, both your phones make a sound. Noises ring to make the two of you aware of how many text messages you have. The engine is still on, loud and heavy in your ears but that doesn't stop you from hearing and feeling the continuous vibrations in your pocket.

"Hope you had a safe flight, Mr. Kim.", the captain bows as Taehyung passes him.

He automatically bows back, "We did, thank you."

Fumbling for his phone in his pocket, you do the same. Both of you watch your lockscreens come to life with all the notifications of endless messages. Taehyung scrunched his eyes, trying to read the messages without his glasses or contacts.

Jin: Yah, just come back already.

Jin: Actually thought I'd be ok with this but turns out I h8 everyone and 2 weeks is way too long.

A chuckle resonates through his lips. If he had missed anything about Seoul, it's for sure his chaotic best friend.

Jin: Okay but seriously, as soon as you land. Come over so we can celebrate Y/N's successful surgery!

At that, his face slightly drops. He looks over at you and studies your concentrated face as you stare at your phone. Knowing you must be tired, he replies to his friend.

Tae: Y/N might be tired. Another time though?

It doesn't surprise him that Jin's response is immediate.

Jin: Bitch, I have booze. Just bring the girl.

A sigh blows through his lips as he walks with you to the car, glancing up at the driver closing the boot and entering the front seat. Still not looking up from your phone, you busily type away on the phone in your hands as you get into the car.

JK: Yo, I've been going kinda crazy here. Like I swear this is the first time we've been separated this long since birth.

JK: Bring me back sum food or smthing at least.

JK: K, as soon as u get back let's go get a beer.

"Oh my goodness.", you mutter to yourself, giggling.

You had expected this. Jeon Jungkook = the most clingy best friend on the planet.

The car starts to move while you're typing a response but you feel Taehyung's eyes on you. Meeting his stare, he gives you a questionable small smile that appears with guilt.

"What's wrong?", you ask, instantly able to read the meaning behind his smile.

Holding the look, he tells you, "Jin is inviting us over to celebrate your successful surgery."

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