•thirty five•

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"He's not picking up!"

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"He's not picking up!"

The words of your exploding scream echoes through Jin's house as you pace around. Too fast, time is going too fast, slipping right through your hands and you can barely tighten a fist around it.

Jungkook is quick to stand up, grasping your shoulders. "Y/N, it's okay, we'll find him, okay? Maybe his phone just died or something."

But those words don't comfort you.

"I have an idea, we can find his iPhone." Jin stands up too, pulling out his phone speedily, "I installed the app long ago just to know he'd be safe whenever I wasn't around to take care of him."

Your heavy breathing is all to be heard as Jin taps away. Jungkook stares at you, feeling helpless as he finds your petrified eyes. He's never seen you this scared. He can feel your fear himself, creating a deep curling pit in his stomach.

Jin's lips part as though to say something but no sound comes out. He doesn't want to say it.

"Just say it, Jin." You spit, your politeness flying out the window.

"He's...", He looks up, eyes growing with dismay. "It says he's at a hospital."

Your heart drops.

Breathe, Y/N, breathe

The words repeat in your head again and again. Nails digging into the seat of Jungkook's car, you swallow, glossy eyes wide and filled with panic as you look anxiously through the road ahead of you.

"Go faster, Jungkook."

Your voice is shaky, nowhere near firmness that you need it to be in order to reassure yourself everything is going to be okay. It's impossible to have any thoughts like that in a moment like this. You're gripping onto the leather car seat like you are onto the last slithers of hope and prayers that Taehyung is okay.

The hospital. How? Why? Why is he in the hospital? All the answers that come to your head are answers you want to tear up immediately. You won't believe them. He is okay.

"I'm going as fast as I can, Y/N. There's a speed limit." Jungkooks says, glancing frantically around the road to make sure he doesn't hit anyone.

"I don't care about the speed limit, Jungkook!"

The outburst from you makes him jump slightly. He looks over to catch the immense fright in your facial expression. Jin leans forward from the backseat, placing a careful hand on your shoulder and squeezing it ever so gently.

"It'll be alright, Y/N. We're all worried sick at the moment but we'll get to him on time, okay?" His voice is steady unlike yours. You don't know how much he's faking it, whether he's just saying that to calm you down or he too barely has any faith left.

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