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Setting the food bag down, Jin swallows to prepare himself to speak

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Setting the food bag down, Jin swallows to prepare himself to speak. But before he does, he starts to think how to. He doesn't want to scare you and he doesn't want to cause you any distress.

Clearing his throat loudly, you flinch a little but nothing else as you're now aware of his presence. "Hey. You're Y/N, right?"

You subtly nod, not moving an inch as your expression shows genuine discomfort and your shoulders stay hunched.

He smiles through his voice, sounding as kind as possible when he speaks "Well, I'm Jin. I'm Taehyung's most treasured and handsome friend."

The corner of your lips lifts a little, somewhat amused by his humour. "Hi."

"Do you mind if I sit with you? I'm waiting for him too."

Another silent nod but this time with a lovable smile.

Jin sits next to you but makes sure to keep a reasonable distance. "So... are you looking forward to tonight?"

You finally speak, voice small and hushed. "Yeah, really nervous too."

"Nervous?" he forces light laughter, eye wrinkles forming. "Why nervous? Taehyung's going to take great care of you."

Shrugging, you respond "I'm always a bit of a nuisance though. Hard to handle and all."

Sympathy sets in his face as he looks at you, finding it hard to stay cheerful. "I'm sorry for what happened, I heard it was recent?"

"Uh, well. Three years ago." Your shoulders relax and your head sinks down as your voice shrinks smaller. "But feels like a few months ago."

He nods in understanding and cautiously asks another question without triggering you too much. "Did the drunk driver get arrested?"

Sadly, you shake your head. "Whoever it was just drove off. The police were unable to find any evidence that linked it back to the driver.

His fists clench around the cloth of his trousers, uneasiness seeping through his clothes while his eyes waver to the floor. "I'm sorry to hear that."

You don't respond for a while, silently accepting his sincerity. Until you shrug it off and say "It's okay. It's better to just move on instead of dwelling on it."

Turning to look at you again, Jin's eyebrows rise in astonishment "Really?"

"Yeah," you say, smiling "Better to forgive and forget than drown yourself in your own pity, right?"

He can barely believe how someone so hurt can be so forgiving, touched by your ability to be this benevolent. "Right...I guess."

A small gust of wind enters the room and both heads turn in the direction of it. Taehyung walks in, a small crease in his features while his usual frown rests. He waves at Jin, approaching him with no expression.

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