•thirty eight•

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Dying to see your face, Taehyung rushes along the busy white corridors, trying to avoid collision with the passing nurses and fellow patients

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Dying to see your face, Taehyung rushes along the busy white corridors, trying to avoid collision with the passing nurses and fellow patients. Before he even enters your hospital room, he can already hear the vibrant voices.

"Okay, maybe we can give this one a try?" He hears Jin say.

His friend's voice is followed by the sound of someone gagging which is soon followed by Jungkook's voice, "Oh my fuck, absolutely not. The red jelly is better than this chocolate pudding. Fucking hell, why does hospital food suck ass so much?"

Stopping at the door and making sure he's not noticed, Taehyung smiles to himself in amusement.

Then lastly, he hears your sweet voice that makes his heart beat fast out of excitement, "But I don't even like jelly.", you whine, "Just give me the chocolate pudding."

"Nu-uh." Jungkook refuses, "You're not eating this, it tastes like ass."

With a smirk, you reply, "Yeah and you'd know what that tastes like, wouldn't you?"

Taehyung has to press his lips together to stop himself from laughing. Before Jungkook can even respond, Jin quickly offers a suggestion seeing as he's the only adult in the room, "Okay, how about I just order some McDonald's?"

Finally, as he clears his throat, Taehyung enters with "I was craving some KFC actually."

All three heads turn to him and he sees your eyes spark wide with surprise and joy as you shoot out of your bed. You leap into his arms and he welcomes you lovingly, holding onto you just as tight as he feels your arms wrap around him as if they were to never let go.

His heart feels full and content with the feeling of your weight against his again, it's a feeling he can't believe he was so close to losing. Kissing the top of your head, he can't even find the words to say anything right now.

"It's good to see you're okay, Taehyung."

He looks up at Jungkook and nods in acknowledgement, "Thanks and thank you for...saving her I guess."

Jungkook gives a small smile in return, "Of course, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hadn't."

He knows exactly how Jungkook feels. He wouldn't be able to live with himself either if the world was robbed of your beautiful soul. Shifting his eyes to Jin, "I..I-"

"It's alright." Jin interrupts, "You don't have to-"

"No, I do." Taehyung insists, finding it in him to say what he needs to say, "I owe you my life. I'm alive because of you."

Jin swallows, recalling all the trauma of last night, how his best friend almost died in front of him.

"It's something I'll never be able to repay." Taehyung continues, forcing his voice to stay strong as he looks deep into Jin's eyes, "And it's something I'll never forget you did for me as my friend. I love you."

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