•thirty three•

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Jin didn't want to go to the hospital

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Jin didn't want to go to the hospital. Even with blood oozing from his nose, the swolleness on his face from where he had been hit, he still refused. So, instead, after you calmed down you hunted down his first aid kit and decided to clean up his face yourself. Despite everything.

He's at awe with you, astonished by your kindness despite how much you must hate him right now and just how shaken you must be. Yet there you are, dabbing a piece of cotton against his cuts while sitting on his couch.

"You don't have to do this.", he says, studying your expression as he tries to depict what you're thinking.

"Yeah, you shouldn't.", Jungkook grumbles, sitting opposite the two of you. Although he's calmed down too, the anger inside him is unimaginable. He wants all the answers now.

"Of course I do." You ignore Jungkook's words. You avert your eyes from Jin and focus on his injuries. "You're my friend and you're hurt."

He raises a surprised eyebrow slightly but regrets it as even the small motion causes him discomfort, "I'm still your friend? After all this?"

Now you look at him. Can you still see him as your friends after everything? Can you ever see Taehyung as your boyfriend after how he acted? It's the sad truth that you don't want to face. That after all this, nothing will be the same.

A sigh blows through your weary lips, hand feeling frail and weak as you lower it from his face. "Jin. Please just...please tell me the truth. The whole truth."

Jungkook looks at you, hearing the emotion in your voice. You're too heartbroken to be mad like him. Jin watches you too. He's had enough of the lies, he can't continue after seeing all the damage it's done.

"The car in the garage is mine.", he starts, glancing at Jungkook, "But I wasn't the one who was driving that night. I was in the passenger seat."

Relief flies through your chest at his words, but it's not enough. You're relieved at least that it wasn't him but the answer of who it might be could be worse.

"Then who was the one driving?", Jungkook asks desperately, "He was drunk, wasn't he?"

Jin nods gravely, "It was a friend of mine called Kim Namjoon. But trust me now he is no longer any kind of friend of mine."

"Kim Namjoon...?", you look at Jungkook and the look you both share says it all.

"No way. It was that fucking bastard?", he feels his anger starting to boil up in him again while you can feel your heart breaking more as the horrific past starts to tie itself together around your neck, choking you.

It was your ex. The same guy that broke your heart years ago has just broken it all over again while another man was fixing it.

Feeling your tears well up, you close your eyes, not wanting to cry again. You thought they'd have run dry by now but it always seems to surprise you how much more pain you can feel breaking to your bones. When you got your eyesight back you hadn't realised that you'd be looking at such an evil world.

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