•twenty three•

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It felt like you had just woken up from the sweetest sleep of your life

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It felt like you had just woken up from the sweetest sleep of your life. Escaping a sleep you had been put under while your face was being sliced open, you expect to feel different. But with the mindset that you did just come out of a room that was supposed to grant your life long wish, a sweet sleep seems plausible.

The only thing that doesn't seem so 'sweet' is that you still can't see. Neither can you open your eyes. It feels as though something's pressing them down, tied to them so you can't open them.

"Taehyung." The first words escapes your mouth. Undeniably, you get an instant response.

"Sweetheart." You hear him, his deep and concerned voice that rushes close to you and soon you feel the warmth of his skin on your arm too. "How are you feeling?"

A smile smooths your face, "Ready."

You just about hear the smile in his voice too. "Of course you are."

A clear of the throat grabs your attention and your doctor's voice follows. "If you're feeling okay then we can remove the bandages."

Bandages? You conclude the reason for the odd feeling upon your eyes.

"Y-yes!" You say the word a bit too loud, earning laughter from the two people. You assume there's only the two in the room.

Taehyung helps you sit up, tracing his hand along your arm until his fingers entangles with yours. The bed sinks next to you as he sits down.

"Alright." The doctor says. "When you open your eyes, it may seem blurry at first and the sudden entry of light may be discomforting. Your eyelids may also be a little resistant to open at first."

"Okay." You rush out the word, wanting to get the bandages off already.

"And...Ms. Y/N." The doctor continues, less confidence in her voice.


"We still are not 100% sure this procedure has worked." she says.

You're so excited, her doubtful words stab at your heart. "I-I know. Let's just do it."

You can imagine how worried Taehyung looks right now, the increased firmity of the way he holds your hand only confirms this.

"I'm going to remove them now."

You nod, ushering her to do so. Unfamiliar fingers gently brush the upper area of your face and you command yourself not to flinch at how cold they feel, so alien like. But they're the hands that will reveal the truth.

If this doesn't work, you go back to your life. No harm done, you assure yourself. You'll still have Taehyung, you'll still have Jungkook. You will still have a million things to be thankful for.

But if this does really work, it'll feel like a million more things to be thankful for.

Your mind is so distracted by the anxious anticipation that you're barely bothered by the slight sting the tape causes as it starts to come off.

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