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Breathe, Y/N, breathe

The vibrant reminder reigns across the fog in your mind, your body failing to give you oxygen to keep running. You're so out of breath you can barely curse, letting a single swearword repeat continuously in your mind, scolding yourself for your low stamina.

The ghostly grey stairs never end, one after the other. Every time you finish climbing one staircase, another instantly pops into view, deceiving you further of any last strings of hope that you so desperately hold onto.

A strangled cry rips from your throat as you continue to push yourself, throwing one foot in front another as you climb the eternal flights of stairs. Emotion has made its way to you now, not just panic and fear but miserably tormenting thoughts that start to lustre the frightening reality upon you.

No, I can save him

But the hopeful voice is lost within the plummeting crowd of agonizing terror.

How could this be? Where did it all go wrong? Where did it even begin?

Tears start to selfishly blur your vision, almost blinding you. Your shaking legs miss a step, causing you to momentarily stumble, hitting your knee on the following step. A yelp is all you let the pain have, determined to not let it stop you.

Finally, the door awaits, standing boldly at the end of the last staircase that you rapidly climb. Your body crashes into the door, unable to bring your speed to a stop. Hand on the knob, you wretch it open, eyes wide and searching anxiously.

There's no need to look.

Even in the dark night sky, the collective strands of a radiant blue head blazes from afar. The pleasant stars and audacious lights of the city illuminate his blue hair further, his hair alone steals the spotlight from everything around him.

Standing as still as a statue on the edge of the building, no ropes, no chains. Nothing is stopping him from taking one treacherous step into the wind, a journey that only leads downwards.

"Taehyung!" Your voice screeches his name desperately, afraid he's going to jump any split second.

His tall figure half turns, resilient winds blowing away his overwhelming dazzling locks to bare his angelic features. As angelic as he looked, you know he's no angel. There are no wings on his back to glide him high above the clouds. If he falls now, he'll be the furthest he ever will be from any angel.

The dark and strongly defined eyebrows of his furrow deeply, only to release once he places his emotional gaze upon you. A slither of a smile edges at his mouth, greeting you back with a sad look. From afar, you can see the diamond tears in his eyes, prompting him to burst into crying.

"Taehyung, please..."

Slow steps, gradual. You carefully approach him, your legs feeling as if they're about detach from your waist. You command to keep your hands steady while you walk, but they're trembling like a helpless rock in an earthquake.

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