•twenty four•

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*WARNING: mature/sexual content*

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*WARNING: mature/sexual content*

"Wine is so red."

Taehyung stares at you from the other side of the table, watching you stir your wine glass between your delicate fingers while you stare at it in fascination.

"Like a deep beautiful red." You start to giggle at the end of your sentence, finding your glass of wine more funny than it should be.

Your giggles echo through the kitchen, bouncing off the crystal white tiles. Taehyung breaks into a huge grin as he drops his head, shaking it in embarrassment while finding you incredibly adorable at the same time.

More wine soothes down your throat as you empty your glass and Taehyung does the same. He's had the same number of glasses as you. It just so happens his tolerance is a lot higher than yours, hence the uncontrollable giggles you're having.

Your hand instinctively reaches for the wine bottle but he reaches it before you do, dragging it closer to him.

"Hey~" You whine like a child.

"Nu-uh. No more wine for you, sweetheart." He says, screwing the bottle cap on as he himself feels tempted to have one more glass but he thinks the better of it.

"But I'm not even drunk! I'm just tipsy-" Your sentence gets interrupted by an abrupt hiccup from your chest.

You pause, eyes muddled while Taehyung also stares at you, slightly dumbfounded. "I'm just-" Again, you hiccup, making you jolt on your own stool.

"I-" Another hiccup as if you're body itself has had enough of your whining.

He bursts into a cluster of chuckles, eyes turning into crescent moons while he laughs. "Dear me, I'm so in love."

Your face scrunches into a frown. "Well I hope it's with me at least."

He nods, unable to stop his big smile as he leans over the table. "Sweetheart, there's no one else." His soft lips meet yours for a short kiss, pecking it twice before moving back again.

As he sits back, he notices your expression, your mini frown and a small pout formed by your upset lips. "What is it now, Y/N?" He asks, smiling at you while he tilts his head to the side.

"It's you." You say. "You're so...resistant. You're like a wuss."

"A wuss?"

"Yeah, like a little bitch."

That causes a snort from him, surprising himself as he clasps a hand over his mouth and nose. "And why is that?"

"Because you hold back. When you kiss me, it's too short. When you touch me, it's too gentle." You explain, moving your hands around while you talk with actions that don't make sense. "I mean, don't get me wrong I love it when you're gentle. Like you're such a gentleman, like do you know how hard it is to find a well mannered man these days?"

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