CHAPTER 10: Rourke

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I didn't let her get two steps to the door before I grabbed her arm and turned her around to face me.

"I'm sorry." I begin. "You're right. You know what I do for a living and have accepted me and I should be able to talk to you about things, especially when I am having a bad day or something. Just like normal couples do."

"Well, we're not exactly normal, are we?!?" She smiles at me.

We both share a brief laugh with each other as we hold one another and continue looking into one another's eyes.

"Listen, I understand that you don't want to tell me everything and for good reasons I'm sure but, I just....I want to make sure that when you get this upset, that you don't...." she stops herself.

I can tell by the sound in her voice while telling me all of this that she is trying to tell me something and is worried.

I have seen this kind of a reaction before and she needs to know and understand that I would never hurt her.

"Look at me." I begin to tell her while lifting her chin up to look at me again.

"I give you my word that I will NEVER. EVER. Hurt you. I never hit a woman out of anger. It might sound crazy coming from a guy like me but, I swear it's the truth." I assure her.

"Okay." She smiles a little bit and sniffles.

"Now give me a kiss." I tell her while looking at her lips.

"Yes, daddy." She replies softly before our lips begin to touch and soon after, our tongues start dancing.

"Mmm..." I moaned while kissing her as her voice calling me 'daddy' replayed in my head several times.

Soon our kiss became heated and I found myself soon grabbing her ass and squeezing tightly making her moan.

Our kiss deepens and becomes more lustful and all I want to do to her right now is fuck her brains out and hear her call me 'daddy' and just as I try and rethink it over, I feel her start to push me towards the sofa I have in the office here and before I have a chance to say anything, she immediately cuts me off by smashing her lips onto mine as she straddles my lap.

Next I felt my hands roam her curves and start moving my fingers to the front of her leggings then slip two fingers into her leggings and between her legs, rubbing her clit.

We both pull our heads back to breathe a little bit, although she mostly moaned.

"Mmm...." I hear her moan while closing her eyes and tossing her head back a little then I start to feel her hand now unzipping my pants and starts rubbing the bulge in my boxers and I can't help but lose it in that moment.

I can't hold the urges in anymore so I just lay her down onto the couch while kissing her and us removing each other's clothes then throwing them onto the floor randomly.

"Please, I want you so badly." She moans.

I smile at her before grabbing a condom from my pocket then tearing the pack opened with my teeth and hurry to roll it on before I thrust deep and hard inside of her, making her moan a little louder.

"Fuck, you're so tight." I tell her as I continue thrusting in deeper, harder and faster.

"Mmmm.....You feel so good baby." She says.

I grip onto the arm of the couch that her head is resting on and grip tighter with every thrust inside of her.

I hear her moan louder then feel her push me off a little and is now straddling my lap and has taken control with her hands on my chest while she begins riding me.

Normally I prefer to be in control because not many have been able to ever get me off but she is definitely different.

My God she feels amazing.

"Fuck you feel so good." I moan.

Before the both of us came, I gripped onto her hips and had her hold on to the couch as I start thrusting fast and deep inside of her, making her moan more before the both of us come together.

As she collapses on top of me while catching our breaths, I push aside hair that fell in front of her face while looking into her eyes.

"You are amazing Elle." I smile at her.

"So are you." She says breathless.

We spend the next hour or so laying in each other's arms on the couch.

This is what I want forever. SHE is what I want forever.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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