CHAPTER 4: Rourke

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My God, I hate it when girls defend assholes like that. My Aunt used to do that everytime my Uncle would beat on her.

I was right away surprised when I heard her fire back at me though.

"Hey! Just because you felt the need to defend me doesn't mean you have the right to judge me when you don't know shit!" She begins to snap at me and I have to admit, she looks cute and sexy as fuck right now trying to act all brave.

"Trust me Princess, I know your kind and his. Don't get all upset because I can read you both clear as day. And you're right, it is none of my business. Sorry I even tried to help." I tell her now feeling frustrated at her but mostly with myself for stepping in in the first place.

I mean come the fuck on, why in the hell did I have to do that anyways and get up in her business?!

"Pff. Whatever. Asshole." She mumbles the last part then tries walking towards the door.

"Hey, I'm not the one that allows myself to be a victim." I react without thinking and immediately regret it.

She stops but doesn't turn around, however, I can tell I just hurt her. Shit, why the fuck can't I keep my mouth shut at times?! Then I see her turn around to me.

"You're one to talk. Because if you want to really judge anyone, take a look at yourself. I'm not an idiot. I can read you just as well as you 'claim' you can read me." She glares at me.

I down a drink real fast I just had poured a moment ago then stand at a distance from her still and fold my arms over my chest to wait for her reply.

"Oh really?! Then tell me what you know." I ask curiously.

"You're a cold blooded killer. You murder for fun. You murder innocent people, probably because somebody did you wrong and never gave you or someone close to you justice and so you take justice into your own hands. Your a Mafia boss. I can tell by your demeanor, your style and looks. You yourself don't even try to hide the truth about who you are. And you enjoy so much in judging others because you feel you have that right. You're used to everybody doing things for you, with being the boss and all and you get off on that control and power you have over people." She starts to finish.

"And for your information, I don't enjoy being a victim. I just get fooled a lot into thinking the person means what they say when they tell me they want me and to be with me. Then when I find out differently and realize they are no different than the others, yes, I do become what you consider a victim. But you know what? At least I'm not the one on the other side pulling the trigger. At the end of the day, I don't play the victim. So get your shit right before assuming that you KNOW everything when CLEARLY you don't!" She finishes.

Wow. That! I can't believe she just said all that to me. Fuck! I love it though.

Next thing I hear is the front door closing shut and I can't find the nerve to move. I guess I am still surprised in what just happened.....I swear, this has been one hell of a day and night especially.


It's now been a couple of weeks since I last saw that girl and I can't stop thinking about her. I never got her name or information and have been kicking myself ever since.

Which is why as of a few days ago, I had one of my best men who gets information on people, try and track her down.

Everyday as I would wait to hear if he has found her or not, it was all I could think about. Work didn't matter. Nothing mattered, except finding her.

"Boss?" I hear a knock on the door and see Phantom poke his head in through the office door.

"What is it?" I ask as I try and quickly look down at one of the contracts from a deal I recently had made to make it look like I was doing that already.

"Reagan is here." He announced and let's the guy I had try and track her down come walking in.

"Reagan. Take a seat" I greet him. "So what have you found out for me?" I ask.

"Well, I have to say that it wasn't hard to find her." He began and then handed me a manila envelope with photos he had taken and records of practically her entire life.

I began skimming through some of the pictures and information. In which I know it might sound odd for us still using papers and pens instead of computers but it's too easy to hack in and or trace shit that way, so we make sure to do things, such as this, the 'old fashioned way'.

"Thanks." I tell him.

"No problem." He replies.

"Ellerie huh?!" I mumble to myself.

"Boss, if you don't mind me asking, why are you so interested in this girl?"

I look up at him and am not sure how to answer that because even I am not sure the exact reason as to why.

Could it be pity? Empathy? Nah, I don't know why yet but I hope I figure it out soon.

"I honestly couldn't tell you why." I replied.

"Well, before I leave, I should tell you that she is going to be coming over in about half an hour." He tells me while looking down at his watch.

"What?!" I asked surprised.

"Relax. She is coming for an interview since you got rid of the last maid a couple of weeks ago." He winks and smirks at me.

I guess I should be thanking him. But then again, I also wish he would have talked to me first since I have a court of other important meetings today. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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