CHAPTER 11: Ellerie

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It has been a few weeks now since both Rourke and I officially became a couple and I couldn't be happier.

Although we both know we can't have a normal life I notice him trying all the time to make things as close to normalcy as possible for us, but the truth is, I have adapted to his lifestyle a little bit. Well, except that I still don't like wearing $900 dresses and $300 pairs of shoes. I mean, don't get me wrong, I have bought my share of things a bit nicer than what I had owned before but nothing too flashy really, because that just isn't me.

I have also been discovering more things about him and what he does and to be honest, aside from pulling the trigger some times, he really isn't a bad guy. He hasn't killed the amount of people I had thought he did. In fact, he seems to help people in need really and their businesses and the men he has had to kill were either in self-defense or they were bad people who always got away with hurting people and never paid for what they did. So in other words, he doesn't do this for 'sport.'

Sure he has stroked his ego a bit by feeling empowered.

While in the last few days I have learned a lot about him and he has with me too. I had even discovered a side of me I never thought I would find and I owe it all to him and his friends. They have helped me find and build my confidence and love for myself even more.

There has even been a couple of times where I didn't even recognize myself.

Today was a special day however because for the first time, I was going to sit in on a meeting of his with a new client. He doesn't normally have me do it but I have been wanting to and asked if there was ever a time he thought I could, that he would tell me and he mentioned this to me the other night.

I was feeling both nervous and yet a bit excited inside because I had always wondered what all went in and was mentioned in meetings like this one. I have to say too that from overhearing him sometimes through the door in the office when he puts others in their places, it turns me on a bit.

I was finishing up preparing like I always did for his meetings, some snacks and drinks for him, the guys and his clients.

The meeting was about to begin and so I started carrying the tray of stuff into the office and sat it down on the coffee table he had in front of the couch.

"Thanks baby." He winks and smiles at me.

"Of course." I smiled in reply then walked over to take a seat on his lap. "So, what kind of meeting is this going to be like?" I ask curiously.

He looks up at me with a cocked eyebrow as I sit on his lap.

"What do you mean?" He smiles.

"Well, I mean, is this a special kind of a meeting? Like are you going to put a hit on someone who or something?" I ask.

Him and a few of his guys, including Phantom, all start to laugh.

"You're so cute babe. But here's the thing about that, first off, I don't put hits on anyone and you need to not take movies so seriously. Any issues that occur, I take care of them myself in my own way and don't need to hire anyone. And second, didn't we talk about this before?" He asks me.

"Yeah, I just, was curious is all." I shrugged my shoulders then grabbed some crackers I brought in and started to eat.

"I love that about you, you know?!" He mentions before eating the rest of the cracker in my hand.

"Hey!" I say.

"You do know you don't have to cater to anybody when I have meetings?!" He smirks.

"I know. I just like being a good host." I smile and lean in to give him a kiss and then we hear the door open and in walks a couple of men but one person in particular stood out immediately. It was Lankin and that slut he was fucking.

I wasn't hurt. I wasn't feeling anything but hatred towards him and her also. But I didn't want either one of them to see they rattled me. So I held it in.

However, after I got off of Rourke's lap and sat down on the couch, he looked back at me curiously.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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