CHAPTER 22: Rourke

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It took what seemed like forever for her to finally come out from the bathroom and tell me the results.

I wanted to give her space because she asked me to wait for her outside of the bathroom and when she did finally come out, I noticed her holding a stick in her hand.

"Well?" I ask with anticipation.

"I'm pregnant." She says.

We both stand there for a moment longer and share a moment of silence before I embrace her up in my arms and begin spinning her around as we both chuckle.

Then I set her back onto the floor and start kissing her.

"Thank you." I tell her.

"For what?" She asks.

"For making me a father and making me so happy."

She looks at me and begins to smile real big back at me.

"Thank you for making me happy too." She replies.

Next we give each other another kiss before we start heading downstairs and telling everybody who all cheer and congratulate us both.

"Holy shit! Who would have thought you would have ever found a girl let alone become a father!" Phantom and a few of the others start to tease.

"Me neither." I laugh.

Although we are going through the shit we are, it's nice to know that there is more light at the end of the tunnel than there was before. But this also means that some things might have to change as in our plans. Now that there's two I am having to look out for.

Speaking of which, my phone starts to ring in my pocket and when I answer it, it happens to be the Director of the FBI who asks to meet up and go over some things, in particular, about the upcoming charity event.

He suggested we meet up in a few hours and go over the plan he has. That's the moment 'reality' popped it's ugly head back in.

"Who was that?" Phantom asked.

"It was the Director of the FBI and he wants to meet up in a few hours." I tell him.

It seems that the second I mentioned who it was, reality hit everybody and kind of killed the mood.

We all ended up trying to get ready, or at least Phantom and Ellerie did before we headed out to meet up with the FBI Director, Harrison. While the rest to the guys stayed back.

Harrison mentioned meeting at a park a few miles away from my place that I honestly never knew about and from the looks of it, seemed that nobody else did neither.

All of the equipment on the playground was rusted the many years it was left not played on while there were vines wrapping throughout the fences and weeds growing throughout the playground equipment also.

Ellerie and I got out of the car together and walked hand-in-hand with each other while Phantom stayed back near the car on the lookout as we began walking towards Harrison.

He looked like shit to be honest and could tell by the dark circles underneath his eyes that he hasn't slept in weeks.....Something wasn't right.

"You alright?" I ask as Ellerie and I take a seat across from him.

"I'm fine. Look, we don't have much time." He began to explain while looking paranoid as he started looking around every few seconds as if somebody was watching us.

"What are you talking about? What the hell is going on?" I ask.

"Look, I can't go into much detail as to what is exactly going on. But I need you to take this..." He began to say as he pulled out a USB Flashdrive and handed it to me.

"When you use that, make sure it is on a safe computer that nobody can get in to. On that flashdrive, it will explain what's going on and some other shit too that I was going to tell you in how we could...." Suddenly he stopped.

"What?! We could what?!" I asked him.

Next thing we noticed was blood started to come out his mouth seconds before he dropped his head onto the table-dead.

Ellerie covers her mouth while screaming and all I could do was quickly think of what to do next and that was to keep her and our unborn child safe.

So I hurried and we started to head back towards the car not knowing who or where the person had shot from.

Phantom was firing his gun behind me on the left side while Elle and I quickly got in the car as Phantom followed and we peeled out of the parking lot and headed as fast as we could back to the house.

There is only one person who comes to mind that could have been responsible for doing that. I just hope I'm wrong.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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