CHAPTER 14: Rourke

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The meeting had taken longer than expected and to be honest, although I still heard the key points from it, I couldn't stop but think about Ellerie.

She's such a breath of fresh air. She effects me the way no other woman has ever done before and she gives me hope.

During the drive back to the house, I kept looking out the window and thinking about her but immediately stopped myself as I could still feel the tension from phantom with what I did earlier.

"Look, Phantom, I know you think what I did was a big mistake. And I know I have to make it right again. Shit is gonna get real bad though." I began breaking the awkward silence.

He doesn't answer right away and after a few moments of being quiet, I hear him let out a sigh.

"I know you didn't mean to do it. I know you were protecting your girl. But you have to do this man. No matter what. You have to do this for all of us. We need out of this life." He reminds me and it kills me.

Other than my cousin, he is my best friend. He has always had my back and along with him and the other guys also, we all loved my cousin for what he did. 

My cousin had grown up better than any of us ever would have-he had more chances than us. Yet, he didn't judge us really and immediately earned lots of respect for that. 

My cousin was a few years older than me but we had always still been more like brothers and were always there for each other. After he graduated from high school, we stayed in touch for a little while, both busy with our jobs. Then one night, I was doing a job for my father and things went south that caused me and my cousin to have a fallout and stay out of touch with one another for a few years. 

What had happened was I found out that particular night, that the 'job' he claimed he went off to college for, it was far from the truth and that he had been lieing to me since he graduated from high school. Turned out that he had become an FBI agent and was assigned to take my father's men down. However, he let me go and after that night, I hadn't stayed in contact with him because he has never betrayed me the way he had that night. When he did come to my father's funeral, he stayed in the far distance and we still didn't talk. 

Then a little over a year after that all happened and not staying in contact, he contacted me out of the blue to tell me that he needed mine and my men's help. I was hesitant at first and wasn't on board right away because I didn't feel I could trust him still. 

Then eventually, Phantom convinced me to trust him and at least hear him out. So I did and the FBI needed our help to take down Lankin's father and the men he was doing business with. It was supposed to be a huge bust. In exchange for that, he had made a deal with his Director that me and my men could start all over again with new identities. However, that never happened. 

To be honest, the biggest issue I have with Lankin is the fact that he is nothing short of the exact replica of his father. He too took over the family business, but the problem is that he is beyond naive and stupid and has no clue in how to run a mafia. He thinks that because he's seen so many movies, he can run one. 

There is one other factor as well as to why I loathe Lankin and his father in particular. Mostly it's because while my cousin was at home one night, he was executed in his bed by Lankin's father himself and let my cousin bleed out until he died (which according to the coroner, lasted a few minutes). 

I had immediately put a hit out on his father, but before I could get the request out, somebody had beaten me to it and killed the old man themselves. But the murderer had never been caught and the case had gone unsolved. 

Ever since hearing that news, I was pissed and always since then have been trying to find the person but then when this little dumb fuck came into play, things changed. 

While on my way out to the car after the meeting I just finished with, I got a text message from the Director of the FBI, who has been trying to message me for a few months now, since my cousin was killed, he has been trying to tell me that the offer/deal my men and I were given before, was still up for grabs. 

I told Phantom and throughout this entire time, I had been going back and forth if I wanted to take care of Lankin and his men myself, for good, or if we should play by the rules with the FEDs. There is much at risk here for us cooperating with them. 

Then when I finally did decide, it was all due to Phantom reminding me that I wasn't doing it for just myself and my ego or pride or what I mainly would have done it for, justice and revenge for my cousin. He reminded me that it was of course all of us. 

Now though, after what he just did in disrespecting my girl, yeah, I won't be jumping right away to going along with it. 

"Don't worry. I'll talk to the Director tomorrow and come up with a plan. Because I can't stand this bullshit anymore neither. Things especially have to change knowing that Ellerie has entered my life. Technically, it's not just about us anymore. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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