CHAPTER 13: Ellerie

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Damn his phone! Right when he was about to tell me more about not what was just going on but also more about him.

He lets out a sigh of frustration before he finally answers his phone and stands up.

"What?!" He answers irritated. "Yes. Fine." He says before he hangs up.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"Do you trust me?" He asks.

"Yes." I reply.

"I promise, tonight, after I return from a meeting, I'll finish what I was telling you and then you'll know everything about me and what is going on."

"Promise?" I ask trying to hide the worry I was feeling from the lack of information I was getting.

"You are so amazing." He tells me while holding the side of my face and looking into my eyes.

He starts to lean closer more and gently places his lips onto mine and gives me an amazingly long and passionate kiss before he gets up to leave.

I decided to wait in the office a moment after he left to try and wrap my head around what happened and began thinking about what he was planning to tell me.

Most people in their right minds would have walked away from this a while ago. If not, then right now. After hearing what I have thus far, a normal person would walk away. However, I can't. I think I'm falling in love with him.

After trying to forget about what happened and what he might talk to me about tonight, I headed out towards in the kitchen to make some lunch and noticed that a couple of his guys were inside, watching some TV, then one of them got up and walked towards the kitchen.

"Everything's gonna be okay." He randomly tells me after grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge.

"I know." I nod my head in agreement.

"We all make mistakes Elle." He starts.

"What?" I ask.

"I know this may not be an ideal type of lifestyle and that you may even come to a moment, if you haven't already, where you'll question if it is worth staying, even." He continues.

"I'm not." I try to reassure him although deep down I am not so certain I believe myself.

"That's what my ex-girlfriend said. Until she one day got spooked enough and tired of living this life that she walked away. And I am not trying to make you feel guilty or question anything or even try to make you feel guilty. But the truth is, Rourke's a great guy who got handed a bad hand very young and before he was woken up by his cousin years ago. His cousin tried to help him get out and..." He stops and laughs a little bit.

"And then something happened with his cousin that it destroyed Rourke so badly be became more aggressive and.....lost." he finishes.

"Lost?!" I asked curiously.

"Look, he's a great guy with a big heart deep down and to see him the way he has been since the moment he met you at the restaurant that night. It's almost like you've brought back the old Rourke we all knew before his cousin died." He smiles at me and then heads back into the living room to continue watching TV.

I stood there not too long once the guy sat back down on the couch and began to think.

Man, how can I be in love with somebody who I clearly don't know too well yet?!?

I'm not sure in exactly how I got here in the first place but I have no regrets. I just feel right when I am around him.

I know it's soon most likely, to feel this way about him but, isn't that the fun part of love at times? The unknown? Not to mention the journey we take?!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Sorry guys it's a short chapter but Promise the next one will be longer than this one and also, thanks for being patient and understanding like always with the reason I had to post these two chapters now and the one before this one, moments ago. But everything should be better now and I am going to be posting two more chapters later today since it is 2 in the morning my time on (Tuesday). Look for those chapters later today. :) Love you all! You guys are awesome! :)

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