CHAPTER 2: Rourke

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I have been sitting at my desk in the office at my mansion now along with my right-hand guy, Phantom, for now, almost a good ten minutes waiting for this jackass to come to a decision of rather or not he wants to do business with me and get the protection we both know he needs, or not and walk away. 

"So is it a deal then? I do have other appointments that I need to get to soon." I state.

"I understand Mr. Chambers. However, I am just wanting to make sure that what I am investing in is secure. The percentage in particular, is very high and absurd." He complains. 

"Listen, as I had mentioned to you before, you came to me for help. Not to mention the fact that you are a liability. Also, you're new to the game and I have to make sure you are worthy of my business and money. Because something I should warn you about now that CLEARLY you have not heard about me is that the last thing you ever want to do is fuck with my money, family and business. Wasting my time is my biggest pet peeves." I begin to warn him. 

"I understand but..." The guy starts to interrupt. 

"Keep in mind also that this percentage that you are having so much of an issue with in me taking right away, it is temporary. Then as time goes by and you have earned enough of my trust, then we can next discuss about lowering the percentage." I assure him. 

He takes another moment to decide ad then finally nods in agreement, signs the contract as do I after he does then we shake hands and he leaves. After he's gone, I run my hands over my face in frustration. 

"My God. What the hell is it with people seriously thinking they can try and negotiate with you?" Phantom laughs and takes a seat. 

"I don't know but, it's getting annoying as hell." I replied. "Then again, that's bound to happen in this business." 

"Well, don't worry, because tonight we're going to relax and hit one of the clubs maybe hook up with some girls tonight also." He smirks. 

"Yeah." I replied. 

Next we hear a knock and then in walks one of my men reminding us about the next meeting. 

I swear, sometimes I wish I could press 'STOP' or 'PAUSE' even.....shit! Even 'REWIND' would be good and maybe start all over again and maybe even choose a different lifestyle. But then again, you can't go back in time and one of the things I live my life by with no regrets. 


Finally, the last of meetings in general for a while at least, were finished. Then before heading to the club to relax, my stomach started growling and quickly reminded me that I hadn't eaten a thing at all all day. So before heading over there, I suggested we head over to one of my favorite restaurants that a good buddy of mine took over for his father a few years ago. 

Since it was a Friday night, I knew it would be packed but since I know the owner, I never have an issue in getting a table. So we head inside and right away, the hostess grabs several menus for me and my guys and we begin following her to a smaller table than we normally have but not too bad. After taking a seat, we give both our drink and food orders since we have all been coming here for a while. 

Then after a few moments of sitting around and talking, waiting for our food orders, I notice out the corner of my eye, sitting at a table for two several feet away from me was one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. 

Her hair was the perfect length that seemed to have a hint of purple that popped out under the intimate dim lighting above their table and she looked to have some curves as well, but then again, I can't completely tell unless she stands up. 

"What?" Phantom asks and looks in the same direction I am. "Ahh." He nods and looks back at me. 

Before I warn him not to give me shit for it, as I know he's getting ready to tease me about it, I notice her trying to stand up and trying to wriggle her wrist from her dates hand. 

It may not be any of my business but more than anything, I can't stand an asshole that would dare treat a woman like that. So I got up and started making my way over there quickly then got there just in time as it seems as though he was getting ready to hit her with his hand in the air and right before he was able to slap her, I grabbed his wrist. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I warn him. 

She looked at me surprised but him on the other hand, he seems to be a brave little shit head that probably lives off his parents money and hasn't ever had to have a job before or if so, it must be working for a corporation. I say that because of his demeanor but also, the fact he isn't afraid of me, as if he has never heard of me before, tells me all that. 

"Mind your own damn business. This is between me and my girlfriend." He warns me. 

"Yeah well, since you are in MY friend's restaurant and in public, I suggest you rethink your actions before things get worse for you." I threaten him while glaring him down the same as he's doing with me right now. 

"Fuck you." He spits in my face. 

All I can do is start to laugh at how childish and pathetic he is behaving right now and if I was his girlfriend right now, I'd be real embarrassed. 

"Now this will be your only warning, I want you to walk out of here and never step foot in this place again or else." I threaten him. 

"I don't know who you think you are but...." He starts and then his girlfriend stops him. 

"Let's just get out of here." She suggests. 

I could tell she was embarrassed and for some reason that made me start to feel guilty. 

"Fine." I hear the guy reply and break free from my grasp then looks over at her and that's when I stop him from reaching at her. 

"Without her." I tell him. 

"The hell I will." He says now getting closer and into my face. 

Suddenly out of nowhere, I feel him punch me hard in the face and then next thing I know, we're throwing punches at one another in the restaurant. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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