CHAPTER 18: Rourke

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Throughout the next several weeks, I started showing Ellerie how to properly shoot and how to fight in case she ever needed to defend herself (in which it was obvious she would have to).

She was a quick learner and seemed to catch onto things, including the information I gave her about the clients Lankin had and what our objective was to do.

I had even given her a position to make it official she was part of my business. Like one of the guys.

Things have so far been going far more better than I ever anticipated and have to admit, it's not so bad she is a part of us now. Well, until we are finished with helping take them all down.

Already, her and I have even began going over ideas in what we would want our names to be (if we had a choice even). Better yet, where we would want to go to start a whole new life together.

One of the most entertaining parts about this entire ordeal is watching Lankin become irritated at the fact that Ellerie is here at the meetings with us when he doesn't even let his girl be there.

Today was a real important day however- bigger than any other one I would assume since we were about to meet, Antonio. He was the one we needed to be sure we took down. Once we took him down, the rest would be easy.

However, with that said, he won't go down so easily and will fight until the very end. In a way, I guess you could say that he is the 'Main' guy.

While Phantom was driving me and Ellerie to the meeting, I couldn't help but feel as though she was a bit nervous.

"It's going to be okay baby." I reassure her while taking hold of her hand and bringing the back of her hand to my lips.

"I know. It's just that this particular meeting, well, it's one of the most important and biggest ones yet. My stomach has been turning all morning and I'm just nervous. I mean, what if he catches on or doesn't accept the deal?" She asks.

"Trust me, he will." I assure her with a smile before leaning over to give her a kiss.

Moments later, we arrived at the man's mansion and after being escorted inside, all the way down a long hallway and into a room where Antonio was already sitting behind a hand crafted carved wooden desk from Italy, waiting for our arrival, along with his other men and Lankin with a few of his.

I could tell as soon as we had arrived but especially after we entered the room, Ellerie's nerves seemed to go away and were immediately replaced with confidence. She is so hot when she gets all badass like she does. 

"And who is this beautiful creature?!" Antonio asks. 

"She's my girl and also a part of my crew." I tell him. 

I could tell everybody was looking at us, in particular, her wondering why I brought a woman here. 

Normally, these meetings consist of only men and any woman that comes along, stays in another room and hangs out with the men's wives, whores, and girlfriends while we take care of business. 

"Wow." He replies. "I wonder what your father would say." He remarks. 

"Doesn't matter." I tell him. "He's dead. Now let's start this meeting and get it over with." I tell him. 

Ellerie and I both sit down and the meeting begins. For a while, in the beginning, I wasn't too sure if whether or not Ellerie would understand much of what we were saying even though I had tried to prepare her the best I could beforehand. However, she seemed to have understood and not only that, but seemed to have understood and not only that, but seemed to also be squeezing my hand every time something 'unnerving' was mentioned as it seemed to make her uncomfortable. 

Yet, she kept a poker face the entire time. Never have I ever met somebody like her before. 

There aren't many out there that would react the way she has or even dare go along on this crazy ride. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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