CHAPTER 7: Ellerie

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Why does he want me to work for him so bad? Is he obsessed with me or something?

I thought about that statement for a moment and then quickly got rid of that thought since there was no way that could have been true.

He does have a point, yet again, in the fact that nobody will have the same good of offer as he has just made me. Should I take it?

"Okay. I will accept the offer. But where exactly is it that I will be staying at?" I ask him.

"In my house." He smiles at me.

I don't know how or even why hearing him say that the way that he just did, made me feel a bit hot and bothered but it did. However, I quickly try and stop myself from getting all red from that remark.

"Okay." I agreed.

"Great. Pack up your things here and meet me downstairs." He smiles.

"Wait, you mean today?" I asked.

"Of course. I'm gonna go and let the guy downstairs know you are leaving. But please hurry, I do have some errands I need to run." He finishes before walking out the door.

Did I seriously JUST agree to work for a Mafia boss?!? Do I really want to work for him?

"No. Stop it!" I tell myself out loud and then hurry and pack my things then start to head downstairs where I noticed there were a couple of cars behind his as he stood outside his car, leaning up against it, looking down at his phone before watching me.come down the stairs.

Even though he was wearing sunglasses, I still could tell he was looking at me.

"Is that all?" He asks.

"Yeah." I replied starting to feel a little embarrassed because it wasn't much.

"Alright." He smiles a little bit and grabs the bags from my hands before putting them in the trunk then telling me to get in and begins taking me to his place.

I still deep down can't believe I was doing this but hopefully it won't be as bad as I had thought or like it is in the movies.


Throughout these next few weeks since I have started working here, I have overheard and seen things I wish I hadn't at times but, eventually I learned to try and not clean or do anything whenever he is in a meeting.

Today, I knew he was exhausted and thankfully was having his last meeting for a while (or at least for the rest of the week) when I was asked to bring in a few drinks for him and the men who were in his office.

I lightly knocked before entering and as soon as I did, I began to hand each person that asked for a drink, I handed them their glass and the man that Rourke was talking with, he seemed to be eyeing me and I started to blush a little bit.

Then as soon as I set down Rourke's drink in front of him and turned around to leave, I felt my wrist being grabbed tightly but just enough to get me to turn around.

"Sit." He says to me. Well, actually, more like he 'demanded' me.

"What?" I asked him.

"Sit." He repeats while looking deeply into my eyes and making me get a little hot and bothered a little bit.

Then as soon as I start to look for a chair, I next feel him snake his arm around my waist and pulls me down on top of his lap and I can't help but look at him and we lock eyes with each other.

I thought for a moment we were about to kiss but then we got interrupted by the guy he was having the meeting with.

"Chambers?!" The guy asks.

Rourke snaps his head towards the guy.

"What?!" He snaps at him.

"Do we have a deal, or not?!" He asks sounding more irritated all of a sudden.

I notice Rourke glaring at him for a moment and then replies.

"Yes. We have a deal." Rourke begins. "I will make sure my men bring you the money by tomorrow, noon." He tells him.

"Good." He states then finishes downing the last of his drink and stands up, as do his men behind him and they button their bottom buttons of their coats closed then he smiles and winks at me flirtatiously.

I didn't think much of it truly but it seems to have bothered Rourke a lot because I immediately felt his arm squeeze a little tighter around me.

After everybody leaves and Phantom along with a few of Rourke's other men are told to leave also, as soon as they shut the door behind them, I start to feel a little bit nervous and stand up then fix my outfit a little bit while he remains looking at the door still with a tense look upon his face.

So to avoid the awkward moment I feel is about to come on, I start to leave.

"Well, I should really get dinner ready." I mention but he stops me.

"No." He says firmly.

I turn to look back at him.

"What?" I asked.

He finally looks at me and stands up then walks right up and stops a few inches away from me.

"From this moment on, you are mine. No other guy is going to look at you like that asshole just did." He bluntly tells me.

I am shocked and yet, a bit turned on at his possessiveness. It's not in a controlling way, in a bad way, I somehow know what he means and that he is telling me he wants me. Does he truly want me?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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