CHAPTER 6: Rourke

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Now, since she knew what my house looked like or at least that's what I assumed with her remembering me. So since I didn't want to give her the chance to run or turn right around, I had Reagan message her and tell her to meet us at another one of my businesses address to see her.

She actually showed up a few minutes early and as soon as I watched her step out of the taxi that brought her here, I couldn't help but go back to having that feeling she gave me when we first locked eyes.

The moment she walked in and Reagan had escorted her inside my office here, she stopped halfway in and when she turned around, she noticed the door was shutting.

"Please, come in, Ellerie." I smirked.

I noticed her next close her eyes and seemed to be taking in a deep breath then letting it out real quick before adjusting her posture to where she stood now tall and confident before walking towards the desk and sitting down across from me.

"I didn't know you were the person hiring." She tells me. "I should have known." She mumbles the last part to herself while looking off to the side.

"Yes well, we all need a job, right?" I asked trying to be polite.

"I'm sorry but, there's no way I'm working for you. I'm not THAT desperate for work." She replies before collecting her purse and right before she stands back up, I stop her.

"Let's be honest, shall we? There are no other jobs out there that could come CLOSE in paying you what I can pay you. Not to mention the fact I'm sure you don't want to stay in a hotel much longer." I smirk at her.

She looks to now suddenly have a look of embarrassment on her face.

"You seriously have no right to pry into my life or have somebody try and stalk my every move. Please, I am begging you to just stay away from me! I've had enough bullshit in my life and don't need anymore." She snaps and then stands up abruptly out of her chair before walking towards the door.

That's when I felt my gut force me to get myself up off my chair and walk up towards her from behind to block her from leaving.

"Please!" I tell her as her sweet perfume intoxicates my nostrils and the closeness makes me want to kiss her beautiful neck and grip onto her beautiful sexy thick curves.

I could tell the immediate effect I was having on her as I could tell she was holding in letting out a moan or two from the closeness.

Then, she suddenly changed the tone and fought the same urges as I was fighting.

"No offense Mr. Chambers but I can not work for you. Though I appreciate the offer. I just...I can't." She says.

She seems to sound like she is getting a little bit upset while fighting with herself. So I end up letting her leave, yet ONCE again. But why? I went through all of this from having one of my men try and track her down then have her meet me here and yet still, she won't take the job? Damnit is she stubborn?!

You know what? No! She isn't getting away this time and I'm not going to turn into one of these 'coulda woulda shoulda' dumbasses.

"That was interesting." Phantom comments as he walks into he office.

"She is something different, that's for sure." I tell him.

"She is. So, what do you plan on doing about it?" He asks me.

"What else?! Try and convince her to accept the job and then try to figure out how to keep her forever." I tell him.

I know that was cheesy and corny but it's the truth.

"You are just too much. Never thought you would find a girl who would ever convince you." He states.

"Yeah, me neither." I laughed a little bit.

Later on today, close to dinner time and after a few meetings, I ended up having Phantom take me to her place. She isn't staying in a hotel from this night on and she will be getting paid good money so she didn't have to worry about anything.

I suddenly find myself wanting to spoil her like a princess and give her anything and everything she needs and wants. Because she deserves it.

Once we had pulled up to the hotel, I found out which room she was staying in from the guy downstairs after slipping him $100.

Once I walked up to her room, I knocked a couple of times and then not a moment longer, I noticed the door begin to open, right away, she looked at me surprised.

"Why are you..." She started at me but I stopped her and then walked inside before I began taking a look around.

"Nice place." I mention sarcastically.

"I swear, if you don't leave right now..." I began.

"What? You'll call the police?" I asked sarcastically.

"Maybe I will." She states.

"Pff. Yeah, right." I smile at her. "Now, since I'm one that likes to shoot straight from the hip, I'm going to offer you, once again, the job. You will have full benefits, $5,000 cash per week and a place to stay, rent-free."

Of course she is shocked right now because the original deal was $2,500 per week and the rent-free place to stay in but now it has gone up to make it worth her while and of course, mine.

"What's the catch?!" She asks.

"No catch. You stay in a nice place and get paid more than a decent salary so that way you have security." I reply.

"But I told you before, I don't need your blood money." She fires back at me and I can tell she wants to accept the offer and is just trying to act tough when we both know she isn't as strong or as brave as she is trying to make herself. However, I sincerely love and admire the effort.

"Look, the choice is yours. You can stay in here for a very long time since there are no decently priced places to stay in better than mine and mind you, there are no jobs that will help you in any way, also the benefits I am providing for you. Not to mention too that I will have this all in writing for the both of us to sign and if at anytime you decide you don't want to do it, then that's that and you can leave. No strings attached. No catch." I finished.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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