CHAPTER 5: Ellerie

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As soon as I had left that night from that asshole's place, I felt immediately guilty of what I said because, I could be wrong about him. Maybe he isn't a Mafia Boss or anything like that and I have just seen too many movies.

I don't like to be a victim. I don't even play the part or look for attention or sympathy from anyone but, he had a point as far as the fact that I have low self-esteem and is how I got into this mess and the other bad relationships I have had in the past because I seemed to have settled less than what I deserve because I always felt my worth was too little.

Things happened after that night I left the asshole's place just as I had predicted it would.

I had tried to call Lankin in seeing if we could talk but he never answered or got back to me.

Then when the next day arrived, I had gone into work and found out immediately I was fired because of that bimbo I have hated since she ever started, was sitting there at MY desk with all of her things set up and my things were already packed away in a box.

"Oh, you're here." She smiles at me with her fake smile and stands up to hand me my box of stuff.

I look over at Lankin's office and notice him on the phone and I start storming past her and then as soon as I walk into his office, I slam the door behind me.

"Real mature of you!" I snapped.

He turns around to look at me in his chair and tells whoever he was on the phone with he'd call them back then hung up the phone.

I do have to admit, I loved seeing him badly hurt.

"Well, don't be surprised. You should have known you had it coming with that little stunt you pulled last night." He states.

"Stunt?! I didn't create a scene. I was getting ready to leave when you grabbed my wrist and tried forcing me to stay." I reminded him.

"Doesn't matter. We aren't together anymore and you no longer work here." He smirks.

"Fine!" I reply mad and then start to make under my breath about me leaving the apartment key after I grab my things. When he stops me.

"That won't be necessary. You can leave the key here right now but, as for your things, I already packed them for you." He says.

Next he turns around and grabs a couple of bags that had all my things from his apartment in there and that's when things hit me finally. The anger is gone and the sadness and memories along with the negative thoughts come back to flood my emotional pool from wounds in the past to now.

I was single again. I was alone. I was.....NOT wanted. But it's gonna be okay, right?

"Well don't just stand there. Give me the key, take your shit and get the fuck out of here. I'm sure you and that asshole will be happy together." He states.

"Grow the hell up! Unlike YOU, I don't go fucking with people. So go fuck yourself!" I snap at him and I then grab the mug of coffee on the edge of his desk and toss the coffee onto his face before putting the mug down and hearing him yell in pain.

Oh shit! I should start running. So I quickly begin to hurry out of the office, grab my bags, toss the key and then quickly grab my office stuff in the box on my way out towards the elevator and then start to leave.

He might come after me. But I guess I shouldn't care. He deserved everything he got. Shit, I have nowhere to go. I don't have any friends and my family is back East, in which I don't plan on moving back there or anything.

So I guess the only thing left for me to really do is, stay in a hotel for now and try to look for a job and a place as well.

I suppose that since I never got paid enough to ever save up much for a place of my own, and since there is no guarantee in me getting a job soon that pays decent, the only thing I can really do is sell my car. Plus, I could always use the exercise.


It's been a few days now and I still haven't found a decent good job yet and ended up selling my car to the only dealership in the city here and I realize that despite the good amount of money I got for it, I know that it won't last forever and besides, I don't want to stay in a hotel for a long time neither.

Then yesterday, while grabbing some take- out for dinner, I had chatted with somebody while waiting for my order and he offered me a job. He seemed cool and after telling me what the job entailed, I thought that it wouldn't be so bad. I mean, my parents when I was little used to own their own cleaning business. Plus, he said the pay was negotiable.

I guess my luck seems to be turning around finally for the better.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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