CHAPTER 23: Ellerie

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I couldn't believe what we had just witnessed. I was in shock. I felt even a little paralyzed with fear.

Once we arrived home, we hurried inside the house and right away, all came to a complete hault as we saw the gruesome scene we were looking at.

All of Rourke's men laid dead on the floor all over the house and looked like there was a struggle between them and whoever executed them all.

I say execution because that looks exactly like what happened as some of the guys heads were severed halfway.

I immediately began to feel more and more nauseous the longer I stood there and everything else around me seemed to have become distant.

"Oh my god." I started to cover my mouth to try and keep myself from throwing up.

"FUCK!!" Rourke yelled while pulling at his hair in frustration.

"What's going on?" I ask him.

He quickly turns and looks at me and grabs my face gently.

"We need to get out of here." He tells me.

"But what's happening?!" I ask again.

"I'm not sure entirely, but I have an idea. And I'm sure, like Harrison said before he was shot, that all the information we need to explain things more, is on this flashdrive." He mentions while holding it in his hand and then places it back in his pocket.

"We need to leave." Phantom says and we hurry out to the car then quickly pull out of the driveway and we start heading towards our 'back-up location' that we have for in case shit like this happens.

"Where are we going?" I ask him worried.

"Someplace safe while I figure out what the hell to do." He says still looking frustrated.

I don't blame him for being a little cold in his replies and I don't take them personally. I mean, after all, he did just find all of his men dead.

Now the only ones he had left in his life were me and Phantom.

It's understandable and obvious that this is part of the lifestyle he has chosen as have I for now but, what the hell are we going to do now that Harrison got killed? Would they think also that it was us?

There were so many mixed emotions going throughout my entire body to the point I became quickly tired and slept throughout the rest of the car ride to the secret hideout we were headed towards right now.

Things are happening so fast and can't help but feel more worried than I have been this far with this situation.

Rourke had noticed that I was tired and had put his arm around me while I leaned my head onto his shoulder and held me as I fell asleep.


By the time I woke up, I noticed that it was really late as it was dark now and seemed to have woken up just in time as we began turning onto a dirt road that looked like something from out of a horror movie.

I can't help but look down at my stomach and place my hand over it as if the baby can feel me send it light and love.

Then I suddenly begin to feel a tear fall down my face and sniffle a little bit while repeating to myself in my head how everything was going to be okay.

"Baby?" I hear Rourke.

I look at him and try to hold in the tears but I can't help but feel emotional right now. I mean, it's not like I imagined everything was going to go smoothly but, I never expected things to be this bad.

"Sorry. I'm real emotional." I try and laugh off the bit of sadness.

"Don't apologize. Especially for expressing how you feel." He begins. Then raises my hand to his lips and smiles at me.

"We're here." Phantom interrupts as he pulls up in front of what looks to be a small cottage that looked abandoned and he was right, it was hidden real good.

Judging by the looks of it, I was a little surprised because I had thought he would have at least a real nice fancy rich cabin of some kind. Then again, I am only comparing to what I have seen in movies.

The outside of the place looked unwelcoming, as the dried up vines and bushes along with dead flowers that seemed to have died a long time, reveal how long it has been since anyone had cared for the place.

Once we stepped inside however, things looked different. It was more 'inviting' and seemed cozy. It had the looks of an english cottage and seemed nice and decent to stay in.

Phantom went ahead and took a quick look around and assured us there was nobody.

So much has happened that my brain hasn't wrapped around the things I have recently just seen and everything to where I had forgotten I had gotten Harrison's blood on my clothes and a few places as well as it did onto Rourke. So we decided to go and take a shower before we figure out our next step.

Although I am sure we can all agree on that we should be taking a look at the flash drive Harrison gave us right before anything because maybe plans have changed and we have to come up with an entire new idea.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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