EPILOGUE: Almost Two Years Later

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I thought that night was the beginning of something I promised I wouldn't continue. But it wasn't.....it turned out to be the start of something else. A brand new start. A brand new life.

I'm not sure even how I got to be deserving of everything I have been given, yet all I can say about it is that I will take this second chance and not waste or take it for granted, ever.

This may sound a bit cliche and all but it's the truth. Ellerie saved me. It's because of her I was able to follow through with my promise with my cousin and for making me the happiest and luckiest man alive.

Nine months after everything had happened, she gave birth to our healthy son, Michael and now we have been living in this family heirloom of a house my ancestors built and had kept in the family for generations, ever since.

Ellerie and I married a few months after our son was born and now we are relaxing, enjoying and living life without any fear or worries. Also, with new identities.

A couple of months after arriving here and getting settled in, I received a call from one of my cousin's friends who was now the new Director of the FBI and was the only non-crooked agent left who knew about the deal and had informed other agents of the agency about what happened.

The end result was that he would clear us of anything that happened that night and that it was all in self defense.

Although there wouldn't have been much anyways to go on since my guys were thorough but, I just left that part out. All that was left was enough DNA to confirm who the bodies were.

It was nice to hear that we would be good and since there would be no need to return to the states to testify or nothing, I thanked him and that was that.

Right now, I have helped open up a restaurant for Phantom who has always loved cooking and we are now business partners in it and I must say, he really is a great chef.

There is nothing more I could ask for right now. I have everything I have ever wanted and will ever need. To ask for anything else would be greedy anyways.

I also had started a winery of my own that is actually right next to Phantom's restaurant and it's nice to be making an honest living. Not saying it isn't hard but the consequences are far less dangerous than they were when I was doing what I did.

Right now, we were all standing out in our backyard having a nice little dinner that Phantom cooked up for us and drinking some wine while celebrating Phantom's engagement and all being the kind of family I had missed ever having in my life.

I look over at Phantom and his fiance and see them acting cute and in love with each other just like Ellerie and I still act and then I notice Ellerie holding our son and rocking him gently while rubbing his back as he begins to fall asleep.

I feel just as those actors do in those movies when they look at someone they love and have a moment without the other one even noticing that you are admiring them from afar.......Life sure is beautiful.

Moments later, we all had cleaned up and said our goodbye's then after locking the door behind Phantom and his fiance as they leave, I head upstairs towards Ellerie and Michael where I notice her begin to gently lay him down into his crib, without him waking up.

She is so beautiful and a great wife and mother.

I walk up beside her and start wrapping my arms around her waist from behind as I start to kiss the side of her neck a couple of times before resting my chin on her shoulder and looking at Michael.

"You are such an amazing mother." I comment.

"Thank you." She replies then turns around and wraps both her arms around me and smiles before placing kisses on my lips.

"We make a great team." She comments.

"We do." I smile in return and kiss her back.

Next we begin heading back towards our bedroom and get ready for bed then we lay in each other's arms and fall asleep.

                            THE END

I'm sad to see this story end but you know how it is. Longer chapters and details will be in the full versions. :) ;)

There will be a new story out soon (will post first chapter on Tomorrow, Feb. 2nd) and will announce what it is called and when it is up tomorrow as well! So look for that announcement and everything! :)     Thank you for the love and support as always with this story and for taking this adventure with me and these characters......Now, onto the next set of characters and adventure. :):)

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