CHAPTER 21: Ellerie

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I have not been feeling too good lately for the past few days and I am a week late of starting my period but I know that can be one of the side effects with my birth control I am on when it gets closer to expiring and I was supposed to get it replaced a couple weeks ago but just forgot to with everything going on.

I thought I had the flu but yet, I never had a fever or chills really. I do however, appreciate my man taking care of me, it felt nice.

Now, of course, in the back of my mind, it had come to my attention a couple of times that I could possibly be pregnant but the chances of that are slim since I am on birth control. And I know that that doesn't matter because it can still happen. It rare cases but still can happen.

I guess it wouldn't hurt really to take a test to rule it out, right? I just don't want Rourke or anybody finding out that is what I am doing, at least not until I know for sure.

So I try to leave without being too suspicious or obvious and while heading downstairs and walking past them all, who are just hanging around, I walk by and tell them I'm heading out to pick up some stuff I forgot to get the other day at the groceries.

"Wait!" I hear Rourke call out.

"Yeah?" I smile at him.

"I'll take you." He offers.

"It's okay, you stay here and continue playing your game baby." I reply and then give him a kiss. "I'll be back in a little bit."

Right as I turn around and reach for the door handle, I am stopped yet again by him telling me to 'stop'.

"Why are you not wanting me to go with you, all of a sudden?" He asks.

Shit, I really thought I could get away with just leaving and him not making a thing out of this. But I should have known better. I guess I should just tell him.

"I'll tell you in the car." I say mutter to him and then start walking out.

He tells the guys we'll be back and then follows after me, opening the car door for me then getting in himself and starts heading towards the store.

"Okay, tell me." He says.

I don't know why I feel so nervous in even mentioning anything to him. But I take in a deep breath and then let it out before I begin telling him. 

"Well, I wasn't going to say anything until I knew for sure, one hundred percent. But, I was going to the store to get a pregnancy test." I just come out and say.

I began to feel more nervous as he wasn't saying anything.

Since the store wasn't too far away from the house, we arrived and parked in no time.

After turning off the engine, I noticed that he looked to be upset a little bit. But then he let out a sigh.

"Why didn't you tell me? I mean, I know you said you wanted to wait until you were one hundred percent sure but, Elle..." He begins and turns me to look at him.

"Elle, no matter if you think you are or not, I want to be there every moment. I want us to find out together and to shop for tests together and if you are pregnant, then I want to be there every step of the way. I want to be a better man and father than mine ever was." He says with sincerity in his eyes.

Okay, how the hell was I supposed to reply to that now?!? My heart just melted hearing him say this. I mean come on, this Mafia boss here gets mushy with not just love, but especially at the thought of the possibility in him becoming a father?-I love it!

"I'm sorry. You're right." I smile back at him as we touch foreheads and then he gives me a long and passionate kiss before we begin walking inside and once we walked in, the moment we got to the aisle with all of the pregnancy tests, I grabbed a box that has the best and most accurate results above the rest and right as I was getting ready to leave and grab a drink and some snacks that sounded good, I notice him grabbing eight boxes and as we walk away, I can't help but laugh.

"Just to be sure." He tells me.

Now, this is not in a bad way, but I can already tell he is going to be one of those dad's and husband's.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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