CHAPTER 19: Ellerie

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Throughout the entire meeting, it seemed to become harder and harder to listen to some things that were being mentioned. But I made sure to hide my reactions and didn't even realize for a while that I was squeezing Rourke's hand tightly. 

It felt like the meeting lasted forever when in reality, it was just a couple of hours. 

After we were finished and both Lankin, Rourke and Antonio had finished signing a contract to seal the deal, I was ready to leave. 

"It was a pleasure meeting you." Antonio says with a smirk as he shakes my hand. 

"You as well." I reply. 

Antonio was middle-aged with mostly grey hair than dark. He was full Italian and entirely fit the 'mob boss' type of look to the 'T'. 

I swear, I don't know what I would have done if Rourke wasn't here with me. I feel so safe when I'm around him. 

Call me crazy or even a horny-as-hell woman who hasn't gotten any in a while, but just seeing the way he handled himself in that meeting just now, I swear, a big part of me wanted to jump onto his lap, not caring who was there. 

Though while on our way back home, the mood all of a sudden changed and my mind somehow went back to what all was said in the meeting and made my stomach started to turn a bit, like it had done a few times while in the meeting. The things you hear about in movies, I just me and in real life and it all hit me at once just now. 

"Is anybody hungry?" Phantom asks. 

I never thought I'd say what I was about to but I did. 

"No thanks." I replied. 

Phantom looked back at me with a raised eyebrow through the rear view mirror and Rourke gave me the same look. 

When I looked at Rourke, he seemed to right away know and understand. So he just nodded and told Phantom to drop off me and him at the house. 

After walking into the house and in our bedroom, I heard Rourke let out a loud sigh. 

"Alright, tell me what's wrong." He says. 

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm rushed with the same feelings I had held in while in the meeting. One moment I wasn't thinking so much about what was said and then, a few minutes in the car on our way back here, I...I don't know." I reply. 

"Listen, I know that what you heard in there was probably horrific. I mean, you aren't used to this lifestyle or hearing all of that." He begins to explain while slowly walking up to me and once he's close enough, he gently caresses the side of my face with the back of his hand and once again, I am happy. 

"Elle, I want to remind you that if at any moment, you change your mind and decide you didn't want to...." He stops for a moment and struggles a little before continuing. "If you don't want to wait for me or can't take this, I promise I will do whatever, to make sure that you are safe and taken care of." He struggles to finish. 

I notice his eyes are watering, just as mine are as we're both fighting back tears. My God, he always knows what to say without having really any guilt in his tone of voice-just sincerity. 

So I start to smile at him while throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him. 

"I'm never gonna change my mind. I know this is all temporary and that a new and much better life is coming for us. I'm in this til the end." I tell him. 

"I love you baby." He tells me. 

"I love you too." I smiled. 

Now that that's all done with, NOW I'm hungry.

"Okay, now let's get something to eat. I'm hungry." I tell him. 

"Why are you girls so good at being hot and cold instantly?!" He asks me. 

"I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders. 

We had ended up ordering some delivery then watched a couple of movies before eventually falling asleep in his arms. 

Tonight I had an odd dream and yet, it was good. 

I had dreamt about Rourke and I living in a different place that seemed as beautiful as a postcard. Phantom was with us and he was married with a few kids as were me and Rourke, with a couple of children. Something felt a little bit but then quickly things felt right again. 

Now, I don't know what to make of it, as some like to do and maybe it was just a dream. There was nothing to make sense from it or anything. 

Who knows, even if it was to mean something, maybe it was like a premonition or a reassurance that in the end, no matter what, things were going to be more than okay. We were going to be happy.....At least, I hope. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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