CHAPTER 24: Rourke

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We've been here at our hideout for a couple of days so far and I knew we had to look what was on the flashdrive but before we did that, I tried to talk Ellerie out from listening or and reading as well as seeing any disturbing things on the flashdrive, since I had no clue what was on here and was thinking about having whatever is on there make her upset, in which I heard wasn't good for the baby.

Okay, I confess, ever since she told me she was pregnant, I have already been doing my research on as much information as I can, with one of the things to look out for is causing a pregnant woman stress or anything that would upset her.

However, she insisted on looking at it with Phantom and I.

So much has happened and I feel for the first time worried. Worried that I might have put my girl and our unborn child's lives in danger.

All my men are dead except for Phantom. I don't even have time to grieve over them. They were like family. Brothers. And I failed them as their boss.

I feel helpless in a way. I feel defeated. I'm not one who thinks those things or even think of giving up but, I have to protect my future.

Today was the day we would take a look and see what was on it because I have been postponing it and know that whatever is on this drive will most likely help us.

The three of us sat around the small round dining table and watched on the laptop what all was on the USB.

None of us were prepared for the things we saw-things we heard.

My cousin was set up the night he was killed. He wore not only a wore but also had a hidden cam somewhere on him and throughout the half hour video being shown of what looked like him being tied up and punched, I noticed the beatings stopped and then a tall dark figure starting stepping forward from the dark corner.

I didn't have to see my cousin's face to know how badly he was in pain and suffering. From all the wincing and yelling from the pain being inflicted upon him, not to mention his struggle for breathing,

Then the figure walked into the light just a few feet in front of my cousin.....Antonio.

I should have known it was that fucker. That son-of-a-bitch! I'll fucking kill him.

"Did you really think that I wouldn't have found out your real identity?!? You assume I am stupid?!" He demands.

"I do." My cousin replies before I next notice Antonio walk even closer to him.

"It's a shame. Your partners seem to not care enough about you to come and get you." He remarks.  "Then again, most of them do work for me." He grins.

"Fuck you." He spits blood at him and then everything goes black.

Just by that video alone, I was livid. I was infuriated beyond any other time I have been pissed. I swear, Antonio was going to be dead.

What makes me more infuriated about the entire situation is the betrayal his men did. Which now that makes me see just how this was going to end and it wasn't going to be in the way I had hoped or wanted it to.

The entire justice system was corrupted and there was no way I could trust anyone.

"Baby?" I hear Ellerie say in her gentle voice.

"Yeah?" I reply while holding in my anger and am avoiding looking at her right now since I don't want to  scare her by the anger I have in my eyes.

"Look at me." She says.

I fight it for a little bit and then finally look at her.

"I'm so sorry." I tell her. "I feel lost."

"Listen to me. I love you and trust you and no matter how we have to get through this, we WILL get through this-together." She reassures me and holds my face.

We lean in and give each other a kiss and although I feel better a little bit, I still can't help but think about how we are going to do this if the entire FBI agency that were supposed to help my cousin and didn't. If we can't trust them, that only leaves one last option for me being able to handle this and that is to take care of things myself and MY way.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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