CHAPTER 27: Ellerie

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I have never been more frightened in my life than I do at this moment.

I probably should have left and maybe I would have been able to get some help. Then again, who really could we trust and his men weren't supposed to be here for a couple more days. I couldn't lose him.

So I stayed behind and now I have a gun held to the side of my head by my ex and all I could think about was how sorry I was to God, Rourke and to our unborn baby for putting us in this dilemma right now.

I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and then we started to listen to gunfire going off and things happened so quickly I wasn't sure what was happening and going on but what I did soon realize was that I was still breathing.

When I begin to look around, I noticed people coming to cut off the duct tape we all had our wrists and ankles taped with, off of us. That's when I figured out who these new faces were, they were Rourke's guys who he had called.

It took a while but suddenly, I felt my hand being grabbed and felt myself being pulled quickly out of the house and past the dead and injured bodies all over the place and when we finally get to our car, I soon find out that Rourke, Phantom and somebody else were all getting in the same car including the other ones as we began peeling away from the house.

I didn't want to look back. I was just lucky that we got away.

"How the hell did you guys arrive so quickly?!" Rourke asks as Phantom drives.

"Well, we were able to take the private plane you left to us and since we all were nearby one another, we all just got on and arrived today. Sorry it took so long." He says.

"Oh." Rourke says.

"This your girl?!" The guy asks.

"Yeah, sorry. This is Ellerie. Ellerie, this is our good friend and someone we used to work with a couple years ago, Jerry." Rourke introduces us.

There was something deep inside of me that began to tell me things were about to become different from here on out. I wasn't sure what and if rather or not it would be good or bad, but at this point, I am not too objective to any ideas.

We were driving for a good nearly 2 hours before I started asking where we were going.

"We've arranged for you guys to get out of here while we clean things up." Jerry tells us.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"To a brand new life. Nobody will know us there and we can start anew." Rourke tells me.

Although things were going to be different from here on out, I knew that by him telling me that and from the look in his eyes that he was right and that everything was going to be okay......eventually.

Not too long after arriving at this docking place where a bunch of boat owners have their boats tied up to, we began to get out and both Phantom and Rourke stood together beside me, a little beat up-looking, as we stood there in front of Jerry.

He held out his hand at me and shook my hand.

"It was a pleasure meeting you." He smiles.

"You as well." I replied. "Thank you for helping us."

"Anything for this man." He nods and smiles at Rourke.

We all began saying goodbye to each other and then we agreed to meet up at the place Rourke was taking me to, which I didn't find out until later when we started heading out on the ocean, along with Phantom, that were were headed towards a home that belonged to his grandparents in Italy.

I wanted to know more about the plan or ideas he had in what were were going to be doing from now on and if we truly were safe in Italy or of we would have to run forever.

He told me we would talk about it later. So I let it go for the moment and although I felt there was something that he might not be telling me, I just let it go for the moment and we all three ended up resting a little while after getting far enough out in the ocean.

Deep down I knew it was going to be okay but I needed to make sure and was going to be sure he told me in the morning.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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