CHAPTER 12: Rourke

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She was starting to get me hard and am glad she got off when she did because I had to try and hide the bulge in my pants now. Although it wasn't too long for me to quickly get in a bad mood as soon as Lankin came walking in.

Did I know that him and Ellerie were a couple? Of course. I always do a check into whomever I ever let in my house and life. And just by the way she reacted after seeing him, I knew this was going to be more than interesting and fun.

"You have got to be kidding." Lankin remarks.

"Excuse me?" I snapped at him.

"I wasn't expecting her to be here." He replies.

"Well, she is. Is that a problem?!" I asked.

"Pff. No. Have at it." He says.

To me that was it. I knew this little fuck was a douche and by his reaction to her presence, I knew I wasn't gonna get along with him.

"Alright, that's it! Get the fuck out of my house." I tell him.

"Excuse me?!" He asks while everybody looks at me surprised.

"You heard me. Take you, your slut and your men and get the hell out of my house! We aren't EVER doing business together!" I repeat while walking a few steps closer towards him almost getting in his face.

"You and I both know you can't afford to do this." He smirks.

I take a few steps closer.

"Now you listen to me carefully, I don't give a fuck who your father was and to be honest, I never wanted to do this whole deal anyways. The ONLY reason I even bothered was because of my cousin." I remind him.

He glares at me for a moment knowing I was right and that he needs me more than I need him. Before he replies, he leans in a little closer.

"You're making a big mistake." He lowly says.

"I'm not afraid of you." I tell him.

"You will be." He warns me. Then looks over at Elle before his slut finally gets his attention and they all begin to leave.

A couple of my men walk them out of the house while I try and calm myself down. I swear, life would be so much better without douchebags like him.

Suddenly, I feel a gentle touch on my arm and turn to look at Ellerie and immediately start becoming more calm.

It seemed as though she was just about to say something and then Phantom beat her to it.

"Uh, boss?" He begins.


"What the hell was that all about?" He asks.

"I'll explain everything to you later." I tell him.

I understand he is upset right now because I may have just now made a financial mistake for one of the biggest deals we have ever made but I am not going to deal with him.

Before I could say anything else, he already left, slamming the office door behind him.

"I'm sorry." I hear Ellerie tell me.

"For what?" I turn and ask.

"I ruined your deal."

"No, you didn't. I didn't really want to do business with him anyways." I start to explain.

"But he seemed really pissed off." She states.

"He'll be fine." I assure her.



"What exactly is going on? I mean, what business exactly do you have with Lankin? And why?" She asks with concern in her voice and on her face.

"Elle, I don't think...." I started to try and tell her I thought it wasn't a good time or idea to tell her everything yet but then again, I would expect her to be honest if she was hiding something from me.

"Rourke. Please, just help me try and understand. I don't care how serious the reason is but, I just want to know."

It takes me a moment until I decide to start explaining everything and have us sit down on the couch.

"There isn't much to tell really. It's a typical story. I was born into this business. I used to believe it was the normal way to live. My father would always tell me just how harsh the world was and the only thing you could do was always be alert and prepared."

"I believed him for the longest time. Even after my mother was kidnapped and then killed, I knew then just what he meant. The worst part though and the one thing that made things more clear for me was when the men who killed my mother got acquitted. They had no idea who my father was and the things he was capable of doing. He made them pay for what they did. He used to tell me even that he was 'Justice'." I laugh the last part.

"My cousin, we were like brothers, growing up. He didn't agree with the lifestyle I chose and after my father was killed, I took over. Then once my cousin turned eighteen and left for college, we eventually stopped talking to each other for a few years. Then one day, we ran into each other."

I stop for a moment before continuing.

"He....." I stopped as soon as I heard my cell phone go off in my pocket.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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