CHAPTER 20: Rourke

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I have to tell you that working with the FBI and dealing with Antonio and Lankin along with all their men at the same time, was becoming more and more exhausting-not to mention frustrating as all hell too.

Luckily though, things were never so bad as before because I have someone like Ellerie in my life now.

Throughout the next few days since the meeting we had with Antonio and after going over a few other details with Ellerie to help try and catch her up with things, she seemed almost as though she was becoming the character that most girls who date ones in this business are like-tough as nails and have a shit load of confidence.

I know that one of these days, I am going to marry her. I can't tell you how I know but, I just do. I get to begin a whole new different life and already will have somebody by my side every step of the way.

Everyday I spend with her, I get more and more close in getting to know new things.

Today however, was going to be another meeting with Antonio and Lankin and I was having them come over to our house this time because at least here I felt more secure.

Before coming over, I had gone upstairs to check in on Ellerie since she has been unfortunately fighting the flu for the past couple of days.

I lightly knocked on the door before entering and had walked over towards her side of the bed near the window where she was facing as she laid in her side. Then I set down the bowl of soup along with a plate of crackers and some Gatorade, onto the inn table.

"Hey baby." I greet her while gently bending down to kiss her on the forehead and checking to see if she felt warm or not.

"Hey." She tiredly replies.

Although she looks pale and sounds tired also, she looks beautiful and I hate that I can't make her feel better.

"How ya feelin' my love?!" I ask with a gentle smile.

"Okay. Still tired and am starving but, I know I can't hold anything down really right now." She says.

"I know it sucks baby but when you're feeling a lot better, you and I can grab whatever you want to eat." I assure her.

That makes her smile l. But she still is weak.

"I love you. Thanks for taking care of me." She tells me.

"I love you more. And of course I would take care of you and plan to for the rest of our lives." I smile in reply.

"Baby, you better get downstairs and prepare for the meeting. I'll be fine." She tells me.

"You keep saying that but you have to remember, I am the boss here and I can cancel this meeting." I remind her.

"No. The sooner we can get this shit over with, the sooner we can be together and start a new somewhere far away." She points out.

"Okay. But please let me know if you need anything."

"I promise." She smiles more and then I bend down to give her a kiss on the forehead then quickly take her temperature and notice she still doesn't have a fever. Which I guess is good in a way.

Then I start to leave and head downstairs where Phantom and most of my men were standing around and waiting, nervously until we finally heard the doorbell ring.

Soon after they came in and were escorted to my office, we began.

"So, where's your old lady?!" Antonio asks sarcastically.

"She isn't feeling well." I tell him although it's none of his or anyone else's business.

"Aww. That's a pity." Antonio remarks.

"Yeah well, we aren't here to discuss her. We are here to start talks about the plan of execution with this so called 'charity event' that's coming up soon." I start quickly changing the subject.

"Fair enough." Antonio smirks a little and then snaps his fingers for one of his men to hand him a manila envelope to which he then tosses it onto my desk towards me.

"What's in here?" I ask while cautiously starting to open it.

"Information about the charity event. It will be held in a couple of weeks at one of my clients' homes and I have already briefed him in on the offer." He started.

"And?" I asked.

"And he of course agreed to meet with us that night." He states.

Well, this was it. There was no turning back now and I had a feeling things were about to get worse. Something was beginning to not feel right but then again, when was all of this EVER really right?!?  Things may be getting bad very soon.....

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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