CHAPTER 1: Ellerie

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"Get the hell up Ellerie!" I hear my boyfriend of eight months almost and who happens to also be my boss, firmly tell me.

"What?" I asked through a yawn as I sit up in bed and rub my eyes.

"We overslept, that's what!" He begins to panic. "Damnit, I told you to set the alarm clock for seven and you didn't." He says while scrambling around the room trying to hurry and get ready.

"Calm down, Lankin." I start to say as I take a quick look at the alarm clock and notice that it's true, we're going to be late. But then I try and calm him down. "You're the boss, you know. Besides, you HAVE come in late before." I try and remind him with a seductive smile.

He looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, but I have that important meeting today. You remember, the client that could help the company get out from rock bottom?" He snaps at me.

That's right. Shit, I almost forgot about that.

"I'm sorry. I'll hurry and get ready, then we can go." I start to tell him as I get up out of bed.

"No. I told you before, it isn't good for business if I am seen coming in late and we make it obvious as to why. Remember? We talked about this. We can't let the office or my father know we are dating or else he could stop everything and take away the chances of me taking over his company one day. So it's better you and I just continue acting professional in public with you being my assistant." He finishes while sitting on the edge of the bed putting his shoes on.

"But don't you think that people have already guessed that we're together?" I ask him. "I swear, it's almost as though you're...." I quickly stop myself and start fighting back some tears.

"Please, not this again. I don't have time to tell you again that it's not that I'm embarrassed to be with you." He starts to explain.

Next he starts walking towards me and sitting beside me in the bed then takes my hand.

"Look, things are gonna get better soon and then I won't be under a lot of stress and we can start making more public appearances as a couple and announce it even to everybody." He reassures me with a smile.

"Really?" I ask.

"Really." He smiles. "Now get yourself ready and I will meet you at the office so it doesn't look obvious." He smiles. "Also, you can take my other car."

"Okay. Thank you." I smiled back and gave him a quick kiss.

I next then jumped into the shower and started to get myself ready while thinking to myself that he is right in the fact that he has been under a lot of stress and his father, in particular, has been putting a lot of pressure on him for years now in order to take over.

I guess I need to start being more confident in my appearance and realize that he does like the way I look. Which to be honest, is the first real actual boyfriend I have had that didn't treat me so bad because I had low self-esteem.

After I finished getting ready, I began heading out and after grabbing some breakfast on my way to the office, I couldn't help but think about how great of a guy he was and how lucky I was to be with him.

It was a little after half an hour that passed by since I got to the office before I saw Lankin come off the elevator and started walking towards his office, gesturing with his head as he walked by for me to follow after him.

I grabbed the iPad I used for notes and followed him into his office.

"Alright, is the conference room ready for the client?" He asks.

"Yes, Mr. Shiverton." I replied.

"Good. You have the notes ready as well?" He asks.

"Yes. Everything is set up." I tell him.

"Good." He finishes then we wait until moments later, we meet the client who was not at all what I had pictured.

In fact, I had pictured a guy that wasn't too much older than me. However, this man was the opposite. He was a middle aged man that walked with confidence and had a look and presence about him that read he was not one to cross.

The meeting took only a couple of hours and then after they left, I had started to clean up and throw some trash away when I looked up for a brief moment and saw Lankin talking to one of the newest secretaries in the office here who I have hated since the day she was hired.

She was tall and looked as though she was beautifully sculpted into perfection with her long strawberry blonde hair and has caused nothing but drama throughout the entire office.

She has only been here two weeks as of today and I still don't know how she got the job.

I notice her flirting with Lankin and both of them starting to laugh together-looks like I should have stuck with my diet I had started a month ago but then stopped because I was stressed and my self esteem was at the lowest it has been in a while.

He has to be cheating on me. I should have known this day would come. It always happens to me.

Next I see him turn his head and stop smiling at the girl as soon as he see's me and I quickly look away.

I mean, it's no wonder he has wanted to keep 'us' a secret from others. He has been using me all along this entire time for just sex.

I throw the last of things away and when I turn around, I stop and see him now standing a few feet from me now.

"It's not what you thought." He begins.

"Really? Do you think I'm an idiot?!" I bravely snap back at him.

"Of course not. Come on Ellerie. You know I would never hurt you like that." He says to me as he walks slowly towards me and wraps his arm around my waist to pull me in closer.

"Better not." I try and reply while hiding a hint of me believing him.

I want to be upset at him but I can't. I swear, sometimes I wonder if I myself am with him because I know I am lucky and have someone hot like him with me.

"Come on, let's go to a nice restaurant tonight." He suggests and I agree before we start heading back to work.

I guess maybe I am just being paranoid and insecure.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) As in, tomorrow my time for (Tuesday, Dec. 15th).    :);)

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