CHAPTER 3: Ellerie

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What the hell was going on?! And who in the hell was this guy?! I am so confused right now. One minute, I was trying to break up with Lankin then the next thing I know, he's grabbing my wrist and then now he's fighting with some stranger who happened to defend me and save me from getting all hurt. 

The fight didn't last very long though as a few of the guys who helped get the guy that was hurting Lankin really bad right now with his fists, had yanked him off Lankin. 

When the guy stood up, his hair was a little disheveled and hanging over his eyes a little bit before he ran his fingers back through it and then told his men to take him outside. 

I couldn't tell you what happened next either as I became shocked even more to the point I just went along with whatever after I noticed the guy tell the manager of the restaurant to bill him for the damages and then he takes hold of my hand and we quickly begin making our way outside. 

"Okay, wait a second." I tell him while breaking free from his hand. 

"You're coming home with me." He says. 

"Excuse me?! The hell I am." I tell him firmly and with my arms crossed over my chest. 

"Listen babe, you are coming home with me and that's final!" Was the last thing he said and right as I noticed his friends had left Lankin off to the side of the restaurant all beaten up and everything, they started walking back, well all but one because he went to run and get the car. 

I didn't have time to protest or say anything as everything happened so quickly and I next soon found myself getting into the car that pulled up after he opens the door for me, has me get in then gets in on the other side and his friends begin taking off. 

Oh my God, he's going to take me to his home and kill me, he has to be a killer. I have seen enough movies to know how this ends.

Well not me, no. I'm gonna try and open the door and roll out of here, not caring how badly I get hurt doing it because it'll be better than being chopped into a million little pieces or who knows what all he would do to me. 

"Relax beautiful. I'm not going to hurt you." I hear him tell me. 

Did I say everything out loud? I wondered. 

"Where are you taking me?" I ask trying to hide my fear. 

"I told you already, to my house." He states. 

"No. Please, just drop me off at the next bus stop or something, I can get home just fine. And I swear I won't tell anyone what happened back there. Trust me, you don't want to mess with him or his father." I start rambling and warning him so that I can have a clean conscious and not worry about anyone's blood on my hands.

I know that's pretty grim and dark but then again, so is Lankin and his father.  

He looks at me then at his friends up front who look at him before they start to laugh and he returns his attention back at me again.

"You're cute. Trust me, nothing will happen." He winks at me with a smirk. 

Why is this happening to me?! Does the universe hate me THAT much?! Why does bad luck just follow me everywhere?!

"Why are you doing this?" I ask him.

"Because you needed rescuing." He states with some sympathy on his face as he looks me up and down a little bit.

I don't know what to say exactly or how to respond to that. Despite how cliche it sounded, I couldn't help but become instantly intrigued.

Soon after thoughts began running through my head to think of what to say next, I am amazed to see what we were pulling up to.

First there were these iron-bar gates and then once opened, the car goes up this long driveway and stops in front of this huge two story mansion with a few men standing outside as if they were bodyguards or something.

Then again, judging by the way they are all dressed, including this guy, probably in the Mafia or something.

I then get immediately caught up in the look of the place that it isn't until I notice my door open and standing there looking at me is the guy who helped me out tonight.

I decide to get out and he smiles at me then opens the front door and has me step inside first before following behind me and closes the door.

"Well, before I give you the tour, would you like a drink? Something to eat perhaps?" He offers me politely.

"Uhm, no thanks." I reply.

Suddenly I begin to feel nervous and then I for some reason start recalling the events that all had taken place tonight and quickly conclude that I most likely am going to be fired and will be kicked out of the apartment. He might even try to hurt me when I get back.

"Why do you worry so much? Relax." I hear him tell me.

I really wish he would stop reading my face and mind.

"Look, I really do appreciate you defending me tonight, but, I really need to get home." I give another go in telling him how badly I wanted to go home.

He stands a few feet away from me for a few more moments while leaning a little bit over the counter with a blank expression on his face. But damn how hot he looked.

"Okay, if you really want to go home, I will have one of my men take you. However, I will let you go on one condition." He states.

Is he seriously trying to negotiate with me? Fine, I'll play his little game.

"And what's that?!" I ask.

"Why do you let him treat you like shit?" He asks while now standing straight up now with a cocked eyebrow waiting for me to answer.

Okay, that is none of his business.

"He doesn't. He's just been under stress lately and I..." I was starting to lie and he called me on it.

"Alright. Don't tell me. If you're just gonna lie and defend his bitch ass then I guess good riddance and good luck with that." He scoffs then turns around and heads towards the fridge.

That's when I lose it....

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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